Because you are all beta faggots

because you are all beta faggots

Coke or DMT?


Friendly reminder that this has been posted from an Apple mobile device and you can close the thread and let it 404, folks. Meanwhile, I'll sage it. No need to thank me, just doing my friendly bit to make this board great again.

True..Real men escape reality and do drugs. If only i could be a bit more like you..


sweet nose clams



i hope you paid 40 for that ".5" you fucking faggot thats cut to shit and closer to a .3

what does that have to do with anything? just cause you're broke as fuck and cant afford one dont b mad

girlfriend wants to fuck but I keep going to bathroom to take bumps.

And I'm usually pretty bad at seeing the bait

Salvia officinalis may be in a field.

that's mephedrone bro

Anime and Minecraft are my drugs.

Have fun melting your brain and deleting your best memories.

I didn't know they made ziplocks that small . .

No, you are the loser.


Dude as someone who was going through about an ounce a week two years ago. I can't exactly say I am impressed.


If you can keep to doing it at like a party or something once a year, good for you. If you catch yourself buying in bulk so that it will be cheaper. Just stop.

>does drugs

I get it its suppose to be an ironic thread. Good job op. Made me feel better about myself

Have fun with ur shit life. Child support. And horrid fast food jobs

Wait till you actually try drugs kiddies post a baggie with a white powder to try and impress us?
>fake & gay, sage

So wait . . .how much is that baggie?

sitting next to me on couch

"going to change into my pajamas"

Haha. White people

Why would I want to *try* something that I know (as I've seen it do to so many others) would only serve to destroy my life and compromise my health?

If you want to die, there are faster, cheaper ways to do it.

real alphas smoke crack.

No thanks. Unregulated dose, unknown quality, possible death, loss of money/family/friends/job, criminal record.

So many upsides.

No, go away.

definitely legit. just wanted to prove that you are all beta faggots. thank you goodnight

maybe OP softened it. I used to roll a lighter on my bags.

Only fags do coke. Fags and spics.

Did. Boring.

LSD. Acid. Pot. DMT

Do LSD and you're a real nigger.

You in Orlando?

I am not a robot.

First time growing shroomies. 10/12 half pint jars are colonizing. I think I did OK. Some are near whiteout.

i'm smoking some lsd right now.
shit is so cash.

I snorted one whole LSD and my fingernails fell off

love dose. just don't do it on work nights

i'm on my eleventeenth set of fingernails, bruh. stopped gettin high from snortin it, that's why i only smoke it now.

Son, why do you have a small bag of sugar? are you going to make some tea? you might need more that that.

>at work
>suddenly, a blizzard in the Mens department
>ask coworker if he wants to build a snowman

doing drugs doesn't make you alpha
not doing drugs doesn't make you beta
doing drugs makes you a degenerate
but you're young
I was young once and I too thought that drugs made me cool
I was wrong
you'll regret it too, but you need to learn from experience (apparently)
have fun while it lasts

>different philosophers have attempted to define reality over the course of human history
>one faggot is so ignorant he's totally certain of his surroundings

Your going to get sickle cell anemia if you keep it up. Try cleansing the sinuses with Mountain Dew first.

please dont bait him I want this to be a kool kids thread

had an experience like that one time. got wasted and bought two hits on a Wednesday night. tripped alone, terrible night... had nothing to do so I decided it was better to go to work and sit in my cubicle than go crazy in my house alone for another 8 hours. showed up at 7. one of my coworkers walks by, takes one look at me and stops. "Jesus Christ, did you stay the night here or what?"
I promptly went home and rocked myself to sleep

Last night i smoked weed and took some ecstasy, was a chill high. The dream i had was mad though, Psytrance was playing in surround sound (in my head) and i was jumping super high exploring a forest with pristine lakes.

Doing Keta tonight.

>implying being cool is the sole reason people do drugs

Few people who do drugs acknowledge another person's cool factor by the fact they use drugs.

knowing where and when to drop is a learned behavior.

I gave a guy I barely met some shrooms once, and I didnt know he had real brain damage from an accident in his youth. He threw a veritable fit. Yelling and laughing at max volume 3 am in Albuquerque.

Scared the shit out of me.

That head music is so tight. Especially when its better than all the marketed shit. Start jamming on the couch to nothing. Damn son, I shoulda learned Ableton.

fuuuck that.

two of my friends thought they were dying while on LSD, it was hard enough to get them both to calm down and not yell.

>in spanish class
>zoned out on outlet in wall
>the two sockets started arguing with each other, in french
>quit school that day, moved to france, bought a vineyard, made millions years later, posting this from my yacht

thanks lsd!

Thanks Donald Sage

done mdma(2 times), acid( once) and weed all pretty ghee

Yeah trip sitting kinda sucks. This one girl thought she was going to asphyxiate after a few hits of just dro. One time we walked through pitch black drainage tunnel and she thought it was going to collapse and kill us. You could hear her breaking down and hyperventilating.

>cant afford one
i don't want shitphone

I bought my brother some hamburgers when he did shrooms the first time. He ripped them up and threw them at us and sat in a tiny closet with a pot plant he had been growing while his friend was scribbling like a complete maniac on a piece of paper, for hours. We just let him scribble for his 4 hour trip.

can't fuck with mountain dew, i'm allergic to dank memes.

I worked at a local arcade. Friend sold me two G's of meh coke. I couldnt find one while moderating the go karts. Looked EVERYWHERE, assumed my life was going to end. got back to my station. Right there on the floor.

Felt like a fucking junior.

Done everything but ketamine crack and meth ama

You are retarded anyone with any amount of common sense knows to screenshot their own
pictures before posting that shit to Sup Forums thus why it was saved as a jpg.

This happened to me last week at work in a tiny kitchen

No offence man but what the fuck? Why would you let someone tripping do something scary like that?
Not something a good trip sitter would do.

Ketamines alright.
My mates and I all sat in a room with surround sound and had some cool as chill "trips"/visuals when we closed our eyes.


bet ya'll niggas dont even smoke crack

- Viper 2014


Fucking idiots, it's not smooth enough to be coke. It's mdma or maybe speed