Recommend a good anime Sup Forums!

recommend a good anime Sup Forums!
i just finished watching no game no life and really liked it. so gimme some good ones!

Samurai Champloo is my favorite try it :)

ive watched that twice actually :p

kono suba.

knows more about this kinda stuff.

i can't help you however, i only watch moe crap like Kiniro mosaic.

>inb4 11 year olds spamming SAO


>asks for good anime recommendation
>lists garbage-tier fanservice shit as starting point

yeah ive watched what i guess you can say is the meta anime like sao, attack on titan, and samurai champloo

Hellsing ultimate
Ghost in the shell.

Recommend any philosophical animes please

Paranoia Agent

I was gonna recommend an older samurai anime, but forgot what it was called.

It's about an orphaned boy who left his master to help innocent travellers. it based in the Tokugawa era. anyone know what it is? if you an find it i think you'd enjoy it.

Found the weeb.

Death Parade

One punch man
Samurai hamploo
Cowboy bebop
Kill la kill
Guren lagan
Black lagoon

If you are looking for something current, hero academia and kabaneri are both really good.

Depends on depends completly on your interest genres op I watch more then yhe average person should but not sao or aot. aym a egy animes teen acks dee



One piece is pretty good


Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen


Boku no pico, is one of the best Anime you'll ever see. Especially if you liked no game no life.

Death parade passes for philosophical these days? Kill me now
What happened to monster and actually good thought-provoking anime instead of this shallow shit that a monkey could dissect fml

Dimension W
remember watching this as a kid, shit was tight.