Help me out Sup Forums

Help me out Sup Forums
>gf breaks up with me after almost 3 years
>over text
>after an intial breakup for a completely different reason
>things were going well when we got back together though
>its been about month since she end it over text
>2 months since ive seen her though

What do Sup Forums?
Worth talking to her?
I thought i would be okay but ive latley ive been feeling pretty shitty. She was diagnosed with cancer at the start of our relationship too. Held her hand through so many mental breakdowns. She lost her hair etc.

So i cant really understand why it didnt work.
Lend advice Sup Forumsros
Also ask questions because i wrote this in the most laziest way possible. Ill answer stuff as i go to fill the gaps.

oh shit waddap

No. If you're horny just jerk off. It will be fine. Be strong. You're presumably young, and if it ended let it end and fine someone who will appreciate you. Work on yourself. Not a shit relationship.

Thanks man. Ill take that on board.

Chemo or going au natural?


Solid advice tbh. Thanks

>What do Sup Forums?
Move on
Worth talking to her?
>I thought i would be okay but ive latley ive been feeling pretty shitty. She was diagnosed with cancer at the start of our relationship too. Held her hand through so many mental breakdowns. She lost her hair etc.
feelings will go away, too bad for her that she has cancer but it's no longer your concern

something that crossed my mind though: maybe she knows that she's going to die soon and she wants to end it this way so you can move on in your life - I really think you should move on OP

Yeah i wrote this so poorly.
She beat her cancer after like a year.

Forget your GF.
I want to know more about bathtub fish.

Women don't normally break up unless they have something to grab onto; lijely when things where rocky she was 'testing the water' with someone else and the breakup is the transition from you to him.

Women need the security of being in a 'relationship'; the won't leave one until another one is secured.

>And that means OVERLAP.

>28 year old Virgo
>finaly get girl
>long distance relationship
>visit her for a week
>first night go for sex
>get her all undressed
>get her moan
>get my finger in her Pussy
>she grabs my dick
>put in her pussy
>what the hell
>we have no condom
>i say i wont do it without it
>we stop
>al the same
>she is al wet and naked before me
>i just stare at her
>she gets up and dress
>yesterday and today she is barely talking
>never sits next to me, dont ike me kissing her
i am stucked here for 4 more days

fuck my life. really hard

>She beat her cancer after like a year.
good for her, and you're a great human being for helping her through that
now move on and get a new gf

She's weak, you're weaker.

Its a possibility I suppose. But i can guarantee her that ecstasy would be over pretty quick when she realises its pretty hard to replicate something as good as what we had that quickly after..

But tbh i really dont think thats it

Fair statement. Rather be single for a while though.

>Rather be single for a while though
I understand that, but I mean, don't become miserable over this

Hook ups would be nice. But like every chick on tinder here just think thats complete taboo. Thank god I'm going to Europe in June/July

Do you think in terms of another gf the sooner the better?

Got any bald chemo nudes?

i have no way of proving it but im the op of le bathtub fishe

Well you have to let carp sit in clean water for a while or they taste like mud.

want sexy chemo nudes too

Always been curious if their pussy hair falls out too.