What headphones is Sup Forums using?

What headphones is Sup Forums using?

pic related just picked up this sick ass headset

AKG master race reporting in

>le gaymen headset


pic related. just replaced the silver pads with black pads to my dt770's.

Ones from the pound shop, had them about four years.

Audiotechnica ADH-PDG1, got them on advice from an audiophile friend for a quality pair of open back cans that arent like 300 bucks.
Nice sound and mic clarity, sits comfy on your head and being able to hear most stuff going on around me is mostly good (for example my phone alerts or people talking)
As an added bonus, it definitely sounds less 'artificial' with an open back and loud sounds arent as harsh

fucking forgot pic

10/10 for music I might get the 325e's sometime in the future

I've been looking for a gaming headset for some time. The Cloud II seems good. What does the "core" mean?


Razer Kraken, best headset money can buy.

Ye olde ear fedoras m'lady

These any good?

got these a few days ago, pretty damn nice, light and comfortable, sound great and the mic is great too. really easy to plug out and into other devices as well like ipad/phone

what keyboard is that?


ITT: fags post googled images of headphones they want and then pretend like that's what they own.

Great open headphones. The haptics might come of a little cheap (plastic), but comfort and sound are good.


Sony MDR V6. I've owned these for decades. I've owned other headphones from $100 to $1000+ and I keep coming back to the V6. I just like them.

Some of us don't have pictures of our headphones readily available.

Don't be daft, Sup Forums is a bastion of Rolex wearing, Sigg toting, Lambo driving, mansion dwelling 15 year olds who fuck models. Get with the program friendo!


Corsair Void wireless, They wor kfor me and thats all i care about

I use AKG K550s, for gaming and music, great for both/

TurtleBeach X12. If it ain't got in line bass control, then fuck that garbage.

bought a corsair gaming H2100 recently. wireless with good battery life, comfortable, good sound quality, reasonably priced .. doesn't get much better than this I reckon

m50x master race

SyncMaster P2450 monitor OP? ma nigga


lol being this dumb, those things are like slightly better sound quality than gaming shit. I can name like 10 headphones for $20 less that sound better.

Yes, they sound so bad for the price.

Kek. I'll just go tell my boss I need to run home because some nutsack on the Internet needs a timestamp.

i bought into the m50x hype. what else can you recommend for my next purchase?

Beyerdynamic T70

>Kek. I'll just go tell my principal I need to run home because some nutsack on the Internet needs a timestamp.


ITT: Summerfags talk about ear fedoras.

I see what you did there.


Depends entirely on how much you want to spend buddy. Also they're not god awful, just not the best. No headphone/brand is "master race", that's ridiculous. If you're looking to get into serious sound without going into summit fi, look into AKG Q701/K701/K7XX, HD600s/650s, Philips X2s, Beyerdyanamic DT880s, Audio Technica ATH-2000x. For closed back Audio Technica MSR7s, or NAD Viso HP50s. All the headphones I've listed are around $300, which is considered the best mid point to get close to top of the line sound without any real drawbacks. I would definitelllly avoid the HD598s, I don't think they're worth anywhere near the price.

Oh also, with all the headphones I recommended you're going to really want to get an amp to get the most out of them. The Schiit Magni and JDS Labs O2 amp are going to get you a long way for around $100.

Currently using Vulcans, not the best sound but I got them for lightweight build, neautral sound and they're pretty robust.

I got a set of HifiMan HE 350's coming, shit's gonna be good

>Audio Technica MSR7s
how do the MSR7's compare to the lower models like the m50x? clearer sound? more bass?

Just going to drop by with the AKG K612 Pro. Which is actually better than the K701/K702 (no treble bump, better low end). Don't know about Schiit, but the O2 is pretty much a no-brainer to buy and never worry.

Anyone know anything about the Lucid Sound LS30? I've been thinking about picking them up.

More bass is NOT a good thing lol, the M50x's have too much bass as it is. They will be more of a reference neutral (making the audio sound like it was meant to sound, with flat levels across the board), and will have pretty decent sound stage for closed back. These things are considered by many to be near reference class (headphones that you can listen to to know what a recording is meant to sound like)

Also I forgot to list the Grado SR325e's, Hifiman HE400/HE400i/HE400s/HE500/HE560(mydreamheadphone)

You hang onto that dream, Princess.

Any person who spends $300 in a set of headphones is retarded. $25 is more than enough, and with the difference you are paying snobism. Fuck you.

Yeah, I have the O2 amp. The schiit magni is supposed to be just a little bit brighter. Honestly I'm sure they're both verrry comparable and the difference they will make is small. Also the Schiit Magni is $30 less, looks nicer, and is more powerful. However I definitely would give a slight boost to the O2 amp. Also while I'm at it I want to say DACs are a huge waste of money unless you're into Summit-fi. So many blind tests have shown people really can't hear the difference unless the DAC you're using is total shit. Also any difference that is heard isn't universally considered an "improvement" to blind listeners.

uh huh

Have you ever heard $300 headphones?

Depends on what you're using them for.

You get diminishing returns after $150 or so but if you're an audiophile/musician that change in quality is important.

$30 is cheap and you get what you pay for. I've used cheap shitty headphones, currently I'm using pic related that I got for around $150 and it was worth it. If you ever have a $30 pair and a more expensive pair side by side and try both you'll notice in an instant.

Hahaha you never owned such expensive headphones. To hear Goa Trance in clear quality you need those and I recommend a sound card too.

>"Gaymers" buying 3000 € PC systems but spend only 5 € on headphones

As any fool know, I'm not the dreamer here.
Keep saving that allowance Spunky!

I'd recommend NOT getting a sound card and getting a dedicated amp, and a DAC on top of that if you can hear any noise in your system. Sound cards are overpriced compared to external amps and are objectively inferior because they're placed inside your computer tower where they are highly susceptible to picking up noise from all the stuff goin on inside.

You might want to check out goldenears for measurements. Generally look for a linear frequency response, any deviation from linearity means you are coloring your sound differnetly than the master engineer intended (a lot of them are fucktards anyways, but let's assume your music was properly engineered). The second most important thing to look at is the cumulative spectral decay. This shows you the decay time of frequencies inside of the headphones. The shorter the decay, the clearer the audio reproduction.

Depends what you're looking for. The difference between a "good" $25 pair of headphones and a good $100 set is pretty amazing, and above $400 or so you reach a point of rapidly diminishing returns. Over $600 (in my opinion) you're just wasting money.
But if you can afford a set of $1500 headphones and they make you happy, go for it. Who am I to criticize?

Bout as good as I could find for the price. If there's a better $50 pair out there, let me know.

I love how you live in this world where people lie about their fucking headphones trying to impress you. It's not like we're posting cars here, faggot, even a high end pair of headphones is only a few hundred bucks. Would you say the same shit if people were posting their phones?

same. good shit

I eq some more bass though

A flat line at 0 decibles will not sound like neutrality to human ears for a lot of reasons, it's much more complicated than that. Look up HD600s frequency response. That is what a neutral FR graph will look like, not a flat line. Also it is different for open back, closed back and speakers. Quit spreading ignorance.

Depends on the shielding. But external ones are better yes, but really expensive. Its not worth it for 'cheap' below-500 € headphones.

Below-50 € sound cards are not worth it either, they're meant for broken and old onboard replacement. Those will almost certainly catch inferferences and won't give better quality than a current gen onboard chip.

Also for lowend, I can recommend the Beyerdynamic DTX910, only 40 € new, giving amazing sound quality for the price. I had these from 2013 on and used them until my current T70. Still OK when you compare the price.

I'd think that too if i was poor

4 years, rocking hard

Sweetheart, I probably have work boots older than you.

If you can get Philips SHP9500s those will get you what top of the line headphones sound like with just slight lack of refinements here and there. Also the HD518s are purty good if you can get them for $50 and the AKG K240s are pretty insane for the price. The very best price to performer will be the legendary cost portapros, but they're not something you're going to want to wear for very long and they look ridiculous. The Superlux 688Bs are definitely worth looking at too. All the headphones I just mentioned are open back and leak sound, but they will give you a far better and speaker-like experience.

yep, I own a pair of these, brilliant sound, comfortable as! but they are heavy, so they're not great for walking of leaving the house.

>Also any difference that is heard isn't universally considered an "improvement" to blind listeners.

This so very much. When people start going into debating noise floors of DACs that already are below what 16bit audio can hold anyways it gets really retarded. Meanwhile a lot of vinyl guys happily sacrifice some dB of an already very audible noise floor to change from MM to MC carts.

At the end of the day it boils down to what you are happy with is best for you. The only place people get up in arms about audio systems is the internet.

These headphone are the ones I have, and I'd honestly would like to know if there's a better pair, because these have brought be the best quality so far, and I'd like to know if there's anything better.


I don't usually go for open-back but those PortaPros definitely have my attention.

Not sure why I don't use open-backs anyway. I use on-/over-ears at home an nowhere else so why the hell not.

Sony MDR-XB950. I'm not looking for the extra bass, but god damn, is that thing rich. It pulls some tones I can't believe are possible. At times I can't tell if I'm hearing some low tone from a show I'm watching, or if I'm hearing a truck rumbling outside.
Couldn't find anything to complain about with these headphones yet, and I've got them for over half a year, I think.

How is the new Cloud Revolver ?

These don't look like much, but these are the best fucking headsets you can get. $300 tho

K702 with E10K DAC/amp
got the right idea

I got a pair of Kingston Hypercloud X 2s to replace my ATH-M50s and they turned out to be more comfortable than the ATH-M50s and with better sound quality. Great piece of kit, though the clip broke off the inline controls on mine.

HD600 just rolls off the low end and is for all intenst and purposes linear for the rest of the spectrum. Also, 0 dB.. you trying to say 0 dBFS has any relevance outside the digital domain? You have no idea what you are talking about.

Studio monitors are tuned to a flat line, not the A-curve. Obviously a flat frquency sweep isn't going to sound flat to your ears, but that's not the point.

>tfw I still use my Turtle Beach PX12 from a few years ago
Works like a charm

no its not
>falling for 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound instead of actually good drivers

the cable on my PX21 broke after only a month

better for gaming or better in general?

I know they are awful, but I won't buy another pair of headphones till these die

It is

Skull candy. Works wonders for a poorfag like me. Have lasted 3 years


I use the byerdynamic Dt 770 PRO 80 ohm for almost a year and it works perfect.

I found them to be better in general. The ATH-M50s have a very flat sound which I guess is better for mixing music and stuff like that, but when I'm not using headphones for gaming I'm using them with my digital piano or for watching YouTube videos, movies, or listening to music, and the Hypercloud X 2s seem better at all of those tasks.

After a couple of years of daily use the padding on the ATH-M50s had flattened out and they were too uncomfortable to wear for more than an hour or so at a time. I can wear that Kingston headset for hours without feeling any discomfort.

the cable doesnt even detach
hope your good at soldering when your wire inevitably breaks someday

I just ordered a xiaomi pistons v3. What do you think about it?

Considering I've had this thing for like 2-3 years with no problems I don't see that being a problem. Maybe stop breaking you're shit nub

K240 Studio and E10K FiiO DAC

Great sound.
Great mic.
Fast reload.
No weight.
Good price.

No headphones but I like the syncmaster monitor/tv though.

Pretty cool man! They're good, no excessive bass like on the previous pistons. Just get some foam tips.

vmoda crossfade m100's

mine broke like a day after i got them
and no i didn't get fakes.
got some KZ ates instead

Is that a shit keyboard with a butt plug next to it?


You should have gone for the v2's.

no its a 10/10 rare keyboard with a buttplug next to it

Skullcandy masterrace reporting in

these bad boys + aim sc8000

anybody posting headphones with includes microphones/gayming headsets needs to kill themselves ASAP.