Feminism cringe thread

Feminism cringe thread



Exactly lol








I'm just gonna guess and say that they're siblings as their last names seem to be just as long as the otehr's and it would explain the situation

holy fuck what is that?

You could always look at her and say "Wow, she's gorgeous" while pointing another bitch.

hes an asshole because he's taking up 3 places not because he's a cis white male


what if there's not but a few people there and an excess of sitting room all around

then he's cool w/me

i like his shoes


lol bait.



i'd rather kiss an entire landfill


>when you don't check your email because you know it's there anyways


we just figgured you already knew...




We need to send it back to Mars.

I hate this generation. We really need a world war to remove this shit.

>Things that definitely happened


>imagining that your singular experience of the world somehow goes beyond the 10 blogs you follow


When this pc shit has gone so far that you can't tell if people are being legit or trolling

charge your fucking phone you piece of shit


Shit that never happened

Yeah, and add bronies, trapfags, furries to that list.

they were just clapping their meal

what the fuck does that have to do with feminism?
dude is just sitting like a gaping asshole

lol, what a gross person



Your name was actually the title of the memo.


tiny balls detected



Of course, everything that people who spend too much time on the Internet have become. Let's have some real fucking problems to deal with so these insane retards can become extinct.


You like this, hu?

this is a X-D

go back to tumblr please

Sharia will fix this one day

Post fatfighters doc

And a diet coke


please stop :c

No, it's human trash. Nothing to keep.

Look up Undoomed and Rektfeminist on the youtubes. Great channels for feminist cringe.

this one will make your cringe or rage, likely both

thats a big mistake

Feminist will support this. Went black with two different guys. Still single while living with mom and dad.

>using korean symbols which means haha

>my literal face when

I love you Raj


They're both alright but Undoomed is kinda annoying, he sounds like a really old man who's trying to be hip and cool but instead of mimicing teenagers he's trying to be hip and cool with 5chen tards

what? you want more?

I don't think this actually happened, its fag propaganda.
People in general are freaked out by this gender queer shit. And, in restaurants no one gives a shit about others; especially fags.

I'm starting to feel like women should have never got voting rights.

I guess I'll put my raging hard-or away then.

fuck you

They do this to themselves. Let them. They go for Tyrones instead of Morgan Freemans. At least if you're going black, go for god tier.

Lolololo don't worry, you're not getting raped.

Underrated post

I feel nothing. I guess i transgressed the feminazi.

Freja Lindberg! Such a cancer piece of shit, i truly love living in Sweden :)

i am triggered.

>one guy doesnt pay the bill, hurr durr all guys must be like that
>maybe you didn't earn his fuckin chivalry, slut.
>confidently throwing your card down towards the end and deciding to pay is your own fuckin responsibility you cunt
>not being obvious whether its playing a game or not
>complaining about men having the ability to impress a woman, yet, going out on a date with one.
>girls working hard to make the guy that they're dating happy, but not wanting to pay the bill? cunt
>implying every guy you date should be a rich guy, fuckin golddigger slut
>put a little effort in, guys. implying guys don't dress decent enough and be polite when on dates.
>red lipstick is effort


i am going to regret this. but can someone translate?

I lost so hard to this hahahahahaha

I'd love to take her to a restaurant
Keep offering the expensive foods and drinks on the menu, then just dine and dash and leave her with the check

These threads very quickly go from being about feminism to just women in general. Your picture is a good example.

I think it's very telling.

not the poster, just a sweden
i can translate it but i don't want to spread the cancer

"Welcome to reality! /Shang"


She's may have a face like a veteran UFC fighter, but I think she's sexy.

Daddy won't give me more money...


Ska du inte översätta det inringade också?


It looks like she doubled downs.

Jaha! Såg inte haha :)

Leave. Go to tumblr, reddit or 9gag you fag.

>Welcome to reality!

Circled person:
>People seem to miss the fact that @frejalindbergs is an artist! She's not a little girl that... -screenshot cut out-

For the sake of all that is right on this site, please no