Were you aware she is Jewish and subscribed to BLACKED?

Were you aware she is Jewish and subscribed to BLACKED?

Other urls found in this thread:


How is she Jewish,,,,,,,she was kicked of youtube for posting a vid of her sing Happy Birthday to Hitler


that's what they want you to think

>jewish media

No, because i dont give a shit about her, what she does, i dont even use youtube.

gimme proof OP
oh wait. you wont. because you're a faggot

She's just like pic related, a self-hating Jew

Canadian (Ottawa), racist and a furrie fetishist. Nothing surprising in the world anymore.

Thinking Sup Forums gives a fuck about drama created for 12 year olds.

who gives a fuuuuuck. if she aint doing porn she's not on my radar

yes i do actually and i think il be proved right


who is this


evalon the bbc loving jew

she's from peterborough you tool

oh no this literal nobody from jewtube had something happen hurrr durr lets flood Sup Forums all day, go away you autistic cunt

actually, she's from pickering, which is a 6 hour drive from ottawa


> furfag
> jewish
> literally insane
> closeted BLACKED

kek, i hope you guys are aware shes either doing it for satire to troll stormweenies or doing it for attention

God I miss her so much fuck goy tube

she's from montreal you faggots

OP, were you aware that you're a ridiculous, narcissistic, man-child faggot?

Please go smash yourself in the face with a brick, turn over a running lawnmower, and throw yourself in the whirling blades until you die.

one of her videos were in front of the Dunmoore Tennis Club, which is in Pickering. The Tennis Club is in the Dunmoore Park, again in Pickering.

this guy's got it

sorry lol


A poorly researched shock piece that gives her more attention than she deserves. It would be better to let her die alone and unknown.

thanks Sup Forumsro

she is a martyr now

Can someone hook me up with her vagina?

She got Blacked? Pics or it didn't happen.

Eugenia is our true queen!

not for op*

So is this guy leafy really a crypto-nazi? I thought he was race-mixed.

hes a chink





i thought that was Elijah Wood

who is this girlie?

do you have the full video?

How about this thread NOT being COPYPASTA'D EVERY.FUCKING.DAY ?

fuck the drama bullshit post pics u fags

i always assume some level of jewish trickery.


She has a nice voice. I would love to have her sing to me and take a dump on my chest. She looks like she could drop one long uninterrupted loaf. That would be heaven.

cheers love

np honey bunch

Jesus Christ, fucking anything will get on the daily mail website nowadays

Like whites have never been tricked by Jews who pretend to be white.
>protip: you're proving my point

Heil evalion heil evalion heil evalion

Someone post uncensored.

That suppost to be evalion?

all I know is I want to fuck her.

and I'm Jewish.

Cucks are actually so damn pathetic it's sad.
You don't deserve to call yourselves men and I insist that you commit suicide.

It's so backwards and cringey, honestly pathetic.