ITT:Games you think you only know of

ITT:Games you think you only know of.
>/Nostalgic Edition

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Bet nobody here played this.

bumpin' for OP

never played this game but wish I had. Watched cousin play it a few times. Looked neat.


This. shit. was. swag.

My nigga

Still listen to the soundtrack Terry S. Taylor is legend

Street Fighter lookin' a bit weird here.

Yeah i loved the soundtrack from it


it's still good

Older school b/ro.


this game was pure gold



FUCK! This game always reminds me of another game that came out around this time also touting 60fps gameplay.

Was a game where you were in a police car, and the logo looked like a police badge.

Grrr can't remember the name to google it.



I still play this almost every day.


Played that on game gear. Pretty frustrating in the pre online help days.

This game was great! impossibly difficult without a walk through though. never finished it.

Anyone ever play this? I loved it when I was a young lad.



Put way too many hours into this

holllly shit, I barely remember playing this lol

>be in highschool
>me and friend play Skullmonkeys all day erryday
>never got to play The Neverhood
>go to Goodwill
>be browsing the jewel cases
>bunch of shitty mom music
>suddenly, we both see The Neverhood
>we freeze, look at eachother, then back to the game
>pull it out as quickly as we can
>open that shit up
>ofw inside was All Dogs Go to Heaven 2

One of my first and favorite PC games.

It was an amazing game, especially the unique graphic

Found it.

This shit used to terrify me when I was a kid. To the point where my parents had to consistently hide it from me, but like the masochist I eventually grew up to be I always sought it out to play it again. Might be a precursor to my current Dark Souls fixation.

>inb4 no police badge

yes yes I know, I was thinking of Future Cop.

The Neverhood was fucking amazing, apparently there is some sort of a sequel in the making

Metal Arms: Glitch In The System.

Beasts & Bumpkins

such a good game


beat me to it

fancy a bit of rough n tumble?


played the shit out of gnome. I had found it a few years ago again on a p2p program, but be damn if I can find it now days :( That game was pure bad ass

Anyone remember Tribes? Was in a top HaVoC mod clan back in the day before leaving for EverQuest

That game was the shit. Every now and then I find myself humming Triangle Square

>game that's an on-rails shooter where you go underwater to fight aliens

I can't think of it.. It's like a fighter jet game but with submersibles


Nobody ever


im actually playing it these days


I remember this game. The other character was that criminal wearing edgy goth clothes and dreadlocks




fuck yeah.

The scariest part of that game is the ogre village. Everytime you die, it shows a picture of Jack being roasted alive by a male ogre.

My nigga

Dude i was playing for 4 years.Now it became a real pay to lose bullshit.I'm searching for pvp servers now.


My buddy had that.



official servers are pure shit, been playing privates for a long long time

Which servers are good now?

I prefer the oldschool, so that's Exile and 4ever, don't know much higher episode ones, apart from Kingston. Just look up on the epvpers thread.


Dreamscape. Original xbox. Awesome "story" game. Unfortunately you can only play it once. (Unless you have amnesia).

guarantee none of you played this

>i used to get really scared when death appeared when the timer got low


Aaaand you're out!

Played the russian version, back in don't remember. Want to get it again...

This is impossible... have you seen the last boss?


if I'm not mistaken the actual name of the game is Capt. Claw... but it never made it on the cover for some reason.

Played this shit for fucking days on end.

This shit niggers, wtf do you know about it?


if any of you seriously believe you're the only ones to know of any of these games you're absolutely retarded... like yeah you're all special little snowflakes! fuck off back to 9fag you faggots

loved the metal OST

shit yeah


whoa, watch those edges.

loved the commercial when it came out

marathon was better

Only played the demo but loved.

Plus: Face 2 Face - Disconnected is a god tier song.

lol dude this is supposed to be an unknown game thread. Not a freaking awesome game everybody knows about.

That was an underrated game. So good for a bargain bin title.

Shame this game was crashing non stop on my win98 :/

Ow the nostalgia

still listen to lagwagon every now and then

fuckin kids in this thread


Sierra ... the "how to die a hundred ways on one single screen" point'n click game company.

Sierra pissed me off so much
their games had so much potential
but it was ruined by the massive amount of bugs
they were pioneers of the "push and patch" mentality that runs rampant in the industry today

Niggas act like they've never held a Genesis controller before. MFW no one has played Afterburner for NES.

yea i was thinking about that too i always called it cpt claw

Never tried the console version, but I have sunk some coins into the arcade cabinet.

My turn.
(I still prefer this to Civ)

Welcome to my nightmare

I really wanted this game to be good