Can we get a cringe thread going?

Can we get a cringe thread going?

Other urls found in this thread:


>filename cringe






Dick seems decent-sized though (no homo)


thats a mental illness right there that is


fake + gay


This is obviously made in purpose

i was honestly spoken about to ask if any of those ever were genuine because this is so offensively done on purpose





She's actually pretty cute


OC cringe right here

I think I'm going to die now

Agreed. Too bad she's cunt.


That asian man on the right is so shocked at how much of a faggot that guy is he actually has normal eyes.


Back to 9fag, already.

just enjoy it

oh god i had a friend like that too. annoying little fuck. thank god hes gone now, fuck knows where

Jesus, this hurt my soul to read.
Also, checked.

thanks user made my day

that knife face is straight out of wolvenstein 3d


Oh golly, what a fucking fruitloop
I'm very optimistic about this thread



This shit is kind of cute user, what the fuck?

I would tottaly fuck the shit out if here

Is this cringey for you because you don't understand the concept of physically touching a female?

That's fucking homo....

Pretty powerful mom then

cringed hard

>audiophile despite of hard hearing


>happy looking couple


it's ok bro
I said no homo

christ im glad i kept all the weird shit i felt as a teen to myself



and if that same pic, he was wearing long socks with a rainbow pattern, you call her a trap and ask for feet pics

I don't get why it's cringey, but can't argue with trips


Remember that Powerpuff Girls Reboot?

nice quads


Checked. Jesus, what a douche, that guy is really ill

His voice brings me pain.

>But I agree with his points.


What the fuck means pansexual?

Also, checked


he's atracted to frying pans

You saved my picture?
I took that pic at a library on long island while studying for USMLE step 2



Does that Dude have Blue Hoof gloves on!?


I just threw up a little

This guy used to come in every night while I was studying

Yes he did

And this is why Sonic is the worst fandom there is. I know there's pretty fucking fucked stuff out there, but however bad you think it gets, Sonic will trump all of that with ease.

nothing "cringe" about this
just a few photos of a happy (albeit a little weird) couple
are you so socially isolated and autistic that you denounce every couple as cringe worthy because they remind you of your own failure to connect with another living being?

Also he a qt

Read the fucking text, you idiot. That's what make it cringe worthy.

'Pan' means 'all' - so it's people who are attracted to men, women, kids, animals, plants, inanimate objects... including frying pans.

The last time I posted a pig of this guy was October, just before boards


Oh shit waddup

No, you are just a neckbeard fat fucker.
They are def not cringe.
Go watch cuck/trap/incest threads, faggot.


gotta remember that one

Dude, its cringe. Check your autismo meter, its off the charts.

Remember that forum with the crazy bitch that was in love with Sonic and wanted to bathe in his blood? Good times.

That thing needs some mental help.


I don't get the bronie hate. Just let them enjoy whatever they want. I couldn't care less what other people enjoy doing as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. In fact it makes me happy to know someone has a hobby he enjoys.



Er... no. Here is proof they must not be allowed to reproduce:

pt 2: Uncensored.

i think you are projecting and accusing someone else of projecting. thats cringe text.

Those aren't even ponies. That's just basic rule34 porn. Who gives a shit. Do you even know where you are? People openly masturbate to fucking shemales on this site.

He has every right to enjoy it, just as I have ever right to make fun of him for it. I never said I hate him.


Oh, then I guess we agree.

>People openly masturbate to fucking shemales

Fixed that for you:

>I myself, on several occasions, openly masturbate to shemales while shoving a Rainbow Dash vinyl toy up my ass.

Die, faggot, you and your ponies.



If you actually read what I said and looked at the context I said it in, it would be obvious that I don't do either of those things, Sup Forumskiddie.
The intro alone is enough to make throw up
