I'm seriously considering robbing a wedding in a few weeks...

I'm seriously considering robbing a wedding in a few weeks. I happen to know the date and time of a wedding and the layout of the facility pretty well. The girls change and get ready in a small separate building close to the parking lot. This is often left unlocked during the ceremony and if not it should be pretty simple to break into. The ceremony is in the chapel near the back of the facility. My plan is to show up just after the ceremony starts so that pretty much everyone will be preoccupied in the chapel. I will have plenty of time to get into the dressing room and grab all of the women's purses. I'll carry them in a duffel bag and I'll be dressed in a suit so I look like I belong at the wedding. Nobody should really be suspicious since you don't ever know everyone at a wedding anyway, and not that many people if any will see me. I figure there will likely be cash in the brides purse intended for the honeymoon and stuff, and possibly cash in the bridesmaids and mothers purses intended to be given as gifts. Including the bride there are at least six women, but with the two moms and may be a photographer or something like that I figure I have the potential for eight or nine purses. So should I do it? Any advice?

kill yourself, save humanity


Op here, nevermind I'm just a faggot.

we know

Best advice I can give you for a situation like this is to make sure you're prepared beforehand by killing yourself

Do it op, post results.

someone dox the op and report him to the authorities

Trips winrar

Better idea; kys faggot

This newfag, those aren't trips, but I do agree.

sounds like a good deal
how about getwaway?

three repeating numbers are trips

is there something you dont understand, you idiot?


Do it man, honestly, if you have he chance and with a plan like that, that seems like a good plan then do it man. That's a good amount of money

Wedding gifts will most likely be checks so you'll be doing a lot of work for very little reward. 7-8 purses with a few bucks in each (if you can even get to them since they are probably locked in a car somewhere.)

Steal their dirty panties instead. It will be more rewarding.

If its a wedding in Preston, don't bother. Not worth it and I'm gonna have cameras set up in there. If you want a copy of the vids, talk to the guy at the back of the chapel with the glasses about childhood tv programs.

You actually told all of us about your plan, so it wouldn't be smart anymore, once the police can Chase you through your IP

Just take the $$$ & pocket it, no reason to take a purse unless it high quality & you can sell it

Stale pasta.

Shit tier summer bait.

you're retarded. if you know the date and time of a wedding, the couple and the guest list, you rob their HOUSES, not the wedding itself

fucking amateur