Can anyone tell me what the fuck is this?

can anyone tell me what the fuck is this?
Some guy posted a credit card, thought that he is joking so it worked and i bought a game.
after a while i got this message.
what do

Create a new acc

Enjoy your 9 week ban you fucking retard.

I don't even want the game i just tried to see if the credit card works.
anyway is my profil going to be back normal after 9 weeks.
i'm happy to see them taking the game


I don't care, i just play singleplayer games these days.

lmao yeah the thread got deleted after posting the credit card.

thanks for the warning OP

Yeah.. the guy who posted this in the thread is stupid, probably posted his cousin or father credit card. The card got declined after many people in the thread used it

Should've bought Black Mensa instead

It is not a VAC ban, i can still play but i only got an alert.
Idk what is going to happen after 9 weeks.
probably they are going to remove the game and steam gave them their 20$

I am killing myself soon, so enjoy faggots

Code: 5411 3264 5012 6645
cvv: 346
exp: 07/17
Its a master card btw


kek i didn't know what to do, everyone was saying fuck yeah it is working

you're a fucking moron.

rip me
did anyone got this shit before?

Yeah, it'll probably suck not being able to use a visa again, but you can always go buy steam cards like the 13yr olds do.

Yeah.. now 9 weeks remaining rip

lmao actually this is the first i use a credit card on steam and now they are saying that they are going to remove this thing

Enjoy your felony

rip it is okay kek

what did you do?

no you retards it says the Visa card USED
that means the card that guy posted will never work on Steam again

show us the message

>see thread on steam
>talking about games and shit normal steam thread
>guy posted a credit card
>everyone replies thanks it is working and oh shit
>i try it myself on some game
>the game is in my library oh shit
>see thread deleted
>i really didn't want that game but yeah whatever
>after a while a steam message appear saying this


post the card here faggot

Or anything, because the cardholder reported in stolen.


hahahhah dumb idiot

its useless now coz its blocked by steam

>Paypal says it doesnt work
nice bait fag.

no lol, its just the card they tried to use.
after the 9 week ban OP can use a different card if desired, steam isnt gonna miss out on making money

why the fuck would I use it on steam after what happened to OP?

Oh yeah nah I meant that card won't be useful for buying anything; Steam, groceries, gas, whatever. It dead.

the guy who owned probably contacted steam support on your ass

the game was removed after 2 weeks though, you had time to play it long enough

steam or not it wont work, most likely the owner disabled the card completely.

Yes i played the game and it is shit anyway.
Early access

why does it say 7 may?