Anyone else working on their first million?

Anyone else working on their first million?

I am. half way there.

Yeah slowly working my way there, learning some new skills shit, will probably be a few more years til I get close but gotta start somewhere

I've read the book.

I'm 22 yo, how should I go for the first million?

I'm trying to reach the millionth fap plateau my nigger


Fuck yeah user! What u do?

that makes u a retard

I'm debt free in a year aside from a tiny 1 bedroom house payment. Like 400 bucks a month and will be paid off in 2018. After that we saving for more of Roberts real estate and investing classes

I've easily made a million in the last decade, not a thing to show for it.
Will retire into poverty, I'm ok with it.

I'd suggest reading more books similar and trying to find what u want to do in life. Then find a way to profit greatly from it. I'm taking some classes and gonna pull 20 grand against my house and see where it goes.

U make a high income? Why not study personal finance and make the same money sitting on your nuts?

Because the money I make doesn't belong to me. Divorce settlement, child support, alimony, mortgage on a house I don't live in, finally: consumer proposal.
3 more years of R9 credit status and 12 more years of spousal and child support and then I'll have a decade to try and build up enough savings so that I can afford to feed myself dog food when I'm 80. Choose wisely Sup Forums. Marry in haste, repent in leisure, as they say.
I've got several friends in the same industry who are doing very well though, skilled trades is a great industry for canadafags.

Fuuuuck. Yeah your dicked bro. I guess good luck?

The people I know who are making the best financial progress carry no personal debt, they own multiple houses which generate predictable and healthy income, the capitalize on saving money through shrewd spending as well as taking advantage of things like credit cards that amass travel rewards, they invest moderately, and they always have liquid assets available to take advantage of lucrative opportunities that can't be planned for.

Good call bro. I highly recommend everyone here sign up for credit karma online and do what they say. I've savedone thousands in interest from credit cards and shit credit score. 450 to over 650 roughly in about 1.5 years. On the no debt thing I highly recommend they do go into debt for 2 reasons. 1, if they can manage it right they can buy real estate faster. And 2, asset protection. Filthy cunts are all sue happy. They need those houses in llc's or similar as well. I'm working on my 3rd house and fucking hate landlording... hopefully number 3 or 4 can afford property managers

Classic sob story, good life lessons though. I'm now in a position to set my kids up for success through my failures.
The best advice I can give us to take care of the little things, invest moderately, have a plan even if it's a simple one, and avoid falling into the trap of egoistic spending.
Slow and steady wins the money race every time.

Should've clarified, avoid consumer debt. Borrowing money to purchase assets is totally legit. Or taking out low interest loans to load up high return investments. There's definitely positive credit, just avoid the status bullshit like cars, toys, lifestyle until the money that pays for it is truly disposable.

I second that. My wife and I are doing better financially than ever before. Feels good man. Been personally trying to get into real estate and some oil while studying futures and options. It's a lot of work but I'm already seeing results

Know that feels Sup Forumsro. I only got 2 more years of whore welfare being stolen from me and then I can finally start to rebuild my life. Fucking retirement? That's a joke, it's more feasible to plan to go to jail when I am ready to stop working and have 3 meals a day and a place to sleep.

This user speaks the truth. Never marry a cunt, they are disposable and should be treated as such. The life ambitions of a female is to leach off the hard work of a man.

Of course,

I'm writing a book on how to get rich quick, fast, and effortlessly, as we speak.

My nigga. You rich yet?

Unfortunately, I was not born lucky enough to not know what having a million feels like. Would have loved to experience getting my first million. I am so jealous of you guys.

I'd love to check it out user. Shoot me an email to [email protected] so we can connect. I'll buy a copy when it goes to print.

What is stopping You from trying?
Dont be a pussy brah

Lol, you richfag? What does your family do? And I can promise you growing up poor as fuck was less fun. But hey. We didn't choose how we were brought here. And I had a lot of fun growing up in the trailer park and on an oil rig. After high school I even pulled a lot of wells my dad drilled when he was my age. Was hard work for shit oay, but humbling. And I got ripped as fuck.

Still working on my first hundred.

Lol, you'll get there user. I've never held over 3 grand in my hand and I'm 30.

I don't think that's as inspirational as you might think it is.

Roflmao. By choice bro. I'm almost debt free with 6 cars and 2 houses. Nothing to brag about. But I live the same lifestyle as my peers and I'm well on my way to affording investment classes. I can go to the bank today and draw probably 40k against all my shit.

I'm rich in experience?
Nah, but I've had a lot of money pass through my hands. I'm the poorfag who posted about giving it all to his ex wife and preparing for a retirement eating Alpo.

26 m here. Two weeks away from finishing my engineering degree. I went back as a mature student after a few failed businesses. Going to be taken on as a consultant for a small brokerage company. I've negotiated excellent commission and I've bonded well with the owner of the company. He's 60 and worth $30m+. There's a lot of work he doesn't have time for and a lot of skills I can bring to the company. He wants to help me break my first million within a few years and push forward a few other ambitions.

Wish me luck!!

Having 6 cars while in debt is not exactly fiscally responsible. You could probably fit into 2 at most if you are really obese.

Ahh shaft. Fucking women. Got u by the balls in marriage and after. Studying personal finance may help a little? Or maybe you can fix up old cars and shit and sell them for cash and hide it.

git gud bro.
i have 1 vehicle and no house with a 95k line of credit and 25k on my visa.
my 1 vehicle is worth 80k though...
but credit means more than assets.

Fucking hell yeah bro. Good luck. Got my first failed business gone. Technically it made money, but not much and was begging for disaster. Was a worthwhile time suck though.

This. People actually buy books like that, jesus christ how gullible can you be. It's like that one joke.
>Guy walks past a fence and hears "TWENTY! TWENTY! TWENTY!~"
>Decided to check what's going on by peeking through a hole in the fence
>Gets poked in the eye

Lol. Yeah. I know. But I don't owe a dime on any of them. Kind of a horsetrader. Got a 4x4 blazer for shitty weather and mudding. Got raped by a mechanic shop and spent 3500 on a motor... keeping it till the wheels fall off. My wife and i's daily drivers. And a square body Chevy with a lot of sentimental value. Trying to sell the pos harley to fix up the dune buggy. The only car worth anything is my pickup and I'm keeping it till I die