Dubs decide what I do

Dubs decide what I do

spit on him

stab him with a pencil

give him a blow in the neck

Say "Do u know when to go to the dentist?"
Then he probably says "No?" Then respond "Tooth hurty"

Offer him a blowjob.

take his picture
make him hold a timestamp

spit him on the neck

do u want sum fuk

shit in hand, approach teacher's desk, place on desk, return to seat

take a picture of him holding a timestamp

Tell him you have a feminine penis so if he fucks you it's not gay

Pay attention in class and stop acting like a nigger.

Kill your self

Kill yourself.


Self auto-terminate.



Make a ring out of paper get down on 1 knee next to him porpose..when he gives answer bite his dick

Lick him in the ear, tell him that you love him.. Then pull down your pants and start masturbating.


Go Super Saiyan and tell your classmates they're a bunch of fags.


maybe make a wank

smack him and smack book out his hands

He was supposed to hold the timestamp tbh

Give him 20 bucks

An hero

Idk how to prove I spat on my hand and touched the teacher desk