Post your fetish, bonus points for pics/gifs/webms

Post your fetish, bonus points for pics/gifs/webms.

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I get off to hypnosis related stuff, mostly drawn but occasionally 3d.

Also I hypnotize anons who are interested, it's pretty neat. (still looking for someone that can do it to me



no, you think?


hypnotism is junk science and you're an idiot




>fat chick tattoos

>problem hair

My fetish

Old crossdressing men

I'm scared to click

I guess there really are people in to that, guy or girl for future reference?

Public sex and flashing in high risk places - like hotel hallways

ah i'm a religion fetishist.

meaning i fetishize religious clothing, ceremony, rules, the authority aspects, and how they relate to gender.

essentially, i want a matriarchal church where only women can be ordained, lead, etc - and i want to feel fully inferior to them, envious of them, and totally reverent towards them.

Very few share my particular...perversion

Niche as fuck, congrats.


So you like hypnosis and mindfuckery?

I share


Yes indeed, that was both weird and hot as fuck.

cute crosseyed girls

>meaghan trainor ad pops up at the side
fuck off and die

Hidden Cameras


Oh man that was a great video



Yeah, it was

>tfw no qt redpilled gf

ur an actor

Assuming that image is mirrored, because everything is spelt backwards, that girl is fucking retarded. Learn how to draw swastikas

Knee socks fetishist over here



Same. Knee high socks and moist panties.


question, i don't care if it's stupid or not to you but, is there a possibility the bitch could die doing this? Does she sign a lengthy waiver for this sort of scene?



Oh fuck yeah - knee socks/thigh highs. Instadiamond.

I believe so however I have not researched the specifics. There is definitely an entire legion of paramedics standing right behind that camera though...


Dont care



this so much

Ah, I see. That is what I was expecting.

I wanna fuck my sister. I've found her attractive for a long time. Started fapping to her and now I can't stop thinking about her.

This is way too good


Nails my fetish

dirty girl




Giant forehead, eyes too wide apart, mouth too big


What is this called? Where do I find more?




Porn is as real as pro wrestling.

I don't even share this fetish and I love this video.


hat am I looking at exactly?

How is hypno even a fetish? It's bullshit everytime you see it, with some horribly acting whore.


Im confused too, what kind of fetish is that?


Yeah it has some pretty bad and cheesy acting, save 1 or 2 sites.
>How is hypno even a fetish?
How is piss even a fetish?
How are giant women even a fetish?
How are animals even a fetish?
How is latex even a fetish?
How is BDSM even a fetish?






I prefer ones WITHOUT a dude in them with his dick out, but thanks :)

This serious?



me too faggit

yup, absolutely. any... questions?

Mah nigga. Nothing turns me on more than hairy asses.

This is my fetish

yummy, MIchelle Trachtenburg

Not a huge fetish with me but I like imagining the cool textures.

Here is my personal favorite.

I don't know where I found these but it was a web-site devoted to girls in mud.
some sinking or whatever. I just like the covering and that sort of thing. not into drowning or suffocation.

Any idea what started it?

Girls bullying/dominating other girls.

This one boggles does this remotely feel good?

Ah, I grew up catholic and was fascinated by the robes especially, and pageantry of worship, I think. It definitely started with robes. And I think somehow I felt like the participants (including the female altar servers, close to my age) were 'special' or better than me.

Basically it just spiraled out from that, becoming more openly matriarchal (usually) and taking on more elements from other religious traditions.

There are a lot of nerves on the inside too. It takes a little getting used to but once you do I think it feels really good.

To be honest this look stupidly fun and just enjoyable as it's so damn mess.
I would do this.
I woudl probably not jerk off as I don't want mud up my dick but I would love to just "mess around" here.

Anyone have that webm of that guy fucking himself from last night? I forgot to save it