Shaving armpit thread

Shaving armpit thread





go on this is hot


shaved armpits is so 2003

I mean I love me some blonde armpit hair, but shaved is hot too

My ex used to shave her armpits in the shower. Pic related.. it's her after the deed



my fetish

She shaved her pound mound too

not a dump your slutty ex who wears too much jewelry thread

It was hell at the airport

crisp and clean

My whore licking them.




I want to lick those musky armpits






This is my ex







please post more, ass too, she looks like she has nice a nice body.

if dubs you must post full behind shot.

full body shots post get!!!

That tatoo looks like a cancer growth on her arm. Especially on the thumbnail.


Oh dear me that's FINE

bumping for more lewd armpits

indian girls have the best pits
