Does anyone else have hair on their shaft...

Does anyone else have hair on their shaft? Mine goes all the way up to my circumcision scar on the bottom (but it's only bad the first 2 inches or so)

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That's what circumcision does. Be sure to thank your mom for that.

Yeh bro ive got the same, no need to worry its pretty normal man! Although shaving it will only make it worse! So think carefully before you shave it!

MYTH (that has only ever been debunked over and over again)

Can you stretch the skin and get rid of it?

I really hate being cut its very depressing

i got a tiny few, its normal

Mine is more than a tiny few really

Here's before I trim

I just don't know what to think. I'm a virgin and I can see short hairs on the shaft really hurting and irritating someone when I have intercourse. I can't believe my own parents would have done this to me

hmmm, dont shave for gods sake.

id suggest just trimming them to a tiny length and leaving them for a few days before having sex so it gives time for the stubby hairs to smooth over. It wont be noticeable.

same here, and it's bullshit.

I'm really curious if I can somehow stretch the shaft skin and give me more skin that doesn't have hair.

I wouldn't have to do any of this if I wasn't mutilated. I don't understand how anyone can defend this, when I figured out what was done to me I cried for a while.

You're cut as well?

I guess no guys who are intact get this at all? Because it all stays at their base?

I know how you feel man. You can, actually stretch the skin to create a pseudo-foreskin. It's called foreskin restoration (look it up). There are devices you can buy to help the process.

I'm currently in the process of doing so myself.

that pic looks fine tbh, if i looked at that i wouldnt even notice

yep. have to trim every month or so, because the hair gets in the way and gets really irritating. intact guys have the foreskin around the shaft, so the skin below doesn't get pulled up.

I know but I don't want a half ass foreskin in place, for one reason if they ever have proper restoration with stem cells or something that will prevent you from doing so and for two stretching that much will likely make the shaft hair worse. I just want more shaft skin to make the hair stay at the base instead of on my shaft

Yeah it looks fine because you can't see smaller hairs like here:And also because it's all pulled back. If I jerk off or anything all of the hair gets pulled onto the shaft even more

That seriously makes me want to kill myself. The one thing everyone enjoys in life and I got that ruined for me too.

I'm not cut and I get them, I pull them out sometimes. Also a ton of hair folicles which makes my duck look funky

i was pretty fucked up about for a while (still am). like mentioned, i'm doing the restoration. not making much progress, but am trying to stay dedicated.

it pisses me off when people try and justify it, though. one thing to be cut and okay with it, another to be a cunt to people who aren't.

Bro, your looks almost uncut. You got reaaally lucky. Just razor shave and you'll be smashing. (Once you razor, you can't go back.)

This exact thread was up yesterday why are you such a faggot OP

Dude when I pull my skin up look how fucking far the hair comes up in the op

I now intact people can't have this shit

You sure razor is okay? Some have said don't shave, use tweezers, some have said wax, some have said trim.

I don't get people who make fun of whole people.

How does that work? "Haha you have a dick the way you're supposed too and you're not severely multilated!"

Those people should fucking kill themselves

I hate it, too. But you deserved it. We all did, we just needed to have our privilege checked.

I hate it, too. Anybody who meets your disdain with aggression, or crassness, is really just lashing out at their own uncomfort with what was done to them. They know not what they do.

They are mad they know uncut dicks feel better and they'll never know what they're missing. I'd be angry too if I was cut.

ITT: guys trying to find a reason to look at dicks without admitting that they're gay.

fucking faggots

I seriously cannot take this how am I supposed to go through my whole life having one of the most important things ruined and multilated

deal with it faggot there are worse things that could have happened to you, I'm pretty sure everyone American is circumcised so it's like you're alone

What the fuck does that help? Never understood that, it doesn't make it better.

Also the newer American generations are getting cut less and less since the dumbass boomer cunts are not having kids.

stop being such a faggot In 10 years you are going to be the biggest cuck I can't wait

In 10 years I'll be even more of a minority as less people get cut

How is being upset about being unconsensually multilated being a cuck

I've had enough of you post some nudes of your sister or mom or gtfo

as much as I enjoy a good circumcision thread, didn't you post this same thing yesterday?

Yes I haven't been able to stop thinking about it

That's a beautiful circumcised dick. Things could be so much worse for you. Just shave those little hairs, even uncut guys get them on the base of their shaft.

I'm cut as well. My scar is a bit messier than yours although I'm still human. As for shaving, You maybe once in a while will get an ingrown hair. You just pop it like a zit and pluck the hair out. I've been razor shaving for almost one year now and I just feel more confident knowing I don't have a bush down there. Alpha M has a great tutorial on YouTube all about this topic.

Yeah but for uncut guys they never pull up the hair from the base

Mine can be pulled up halfway or more up the dick, it takes away hair from my pube area and pulls it up the shaft. How is that even going to work with sex?

You're a pathetic virgin the girl isn't going to feel a few hairs on your shaft post some nuds of your mom or fuck off this is bullshit

> a few hairs

Did you see the fucking op

Why are you purposely stretching the skin up like that to make a bigger deal of it?

In its natural state here the hair is much farther down the shaft than here where you're pulling the skin forwards as tightly as you can.

If an uncut guy pulled all his dick skin up like that then he'd have a ton more hair up his shaft too.

My dick is 4 times bigger and twice as harry I don't think so you pussy Americans will be fucked when the ice age comes

i am uncut and i have hair on my shaft too. almost exactly the same as OP. just dont fret about it. shave as well

An uncut guy pulling his skin up like that would have his foreskin cover his head and stop

Mine can't cover the head.

And yes I'm pulling it up but it's going to get pulled up and down if I'm getting jerked or maybe even blowed or having sex

Shave you complete retard

Holy fuck you retard the whole point is unless you keep it entirely magically baby smooth stubble and hair is going to irritate the fuck out of people and will be all over your shaft when you're actually doing anything.

Even if it's at the base when you're just letting your dick sit still and hang that doesn't mean shit, what matters is where it is when you actually do things.

>An uncut guy pulling his skin up like that would have his foreskin cover his head and stop
Actually that's wrong. An uncut guy's skin would cover his head while his shaft skin had this level of tension to it he'd never need to pull it up this taut

Either way this guy:Is wrong.

You're a virgin I've never heard a bitch complain about stubble on my dick they probably like it

Presumably you shave your face every day. If you're going to get into the habit of having sex regularly then what's the issue of some dick grooming beforehand too?

Most guys I know, be they cut or uncut, trim the bulk of the bush, then shave the balls and the base of the shaft (sometimes the taint too) and they have no issue.

If you think some of them are going to be particularly problematic then pluck them out. It lasts longer. You'll end up doing it once a month, far less often than other grooming regiments.

Because uncut guys don't have to worry about shaft hair entering their girls vagina and stubble rubbing her to bleeding point or stubble burns on her tongue


Makes me want to shoot myself.


tfw when can't have sex because dick is too hairy....

See and this is what I mean. Jerking this guys skin pulls up nothing from the base of his pubes it's all just shaft skin


Get used to messages like these OP

I really wanna suck this dick, but your insecurities about it are such a turn off. Quit being a downer.

Protip: Most people can't deepthroat and blowjobs are focussed on the head.

uncut master race

I would break someone's knees for that faggot. Just because I'm depressed and mutilated doesn't mean I'm a fucking bitch

Do you go to threads of paralyzed or amputee people and show off your whole body too? Fuck off

I'm not massive so deepthroating wouldn't be that hard. I'm a little over 6 inches and if you could throat about 4 you'd probably start getting hair

Damn OP I can't imagine how you feel right now knowing a girl will never be able to pleasure you....

Must make you feel.... like a cuck....almost

Really? You sound like quite the bitch




This looks just as bad as mine almost

Not sure what point you're trying to make. Being upset because you got mutilated doesn't make you a cuck.

i laugh at these faggot cunts who think there so much better for being intact newsflash foregen is almost done with there research

Masturbating with a foreskin feels like getting a blowjob the way your skin massages your sensitive head. Feels so good


You can go now upset little projecting teenager


sauce negro

okay bitch I'd love to see you in real life. Think you're better than someone because of your foreskin lmao. I'd fucking destroy you kid

No one (with some exceptions) chose to be cut you fucking bitch

You can go to a dermatologist for cosmetic hair removal, but cosmetic elective procedures generally aren't covered.

when did you become such a faggot?

bait harder bra

I am better than you though, how's your dry cut dick feel bitch?

sauce pls



I see people i here saying shafthair is caused by circumcision.
It is NOT.
I have shafthair on 1/4 of it (>5cm), and i have not been circumcised.
Even if this did not disprove the role of circumcision in this, i think we can all agree that there simply isn't any possible influence by it.


no it causes shaft hair your just in denile that you were circed

>better than me because your dick and only your dick

lol yeah let's see how that works out for you in life bitch.

I feel like we're steadily building a new brandon in this thread?

Dude what the fuck.
I'm 100% not circumised.
Fuck your obvious bait

im betting this fag is actually cut and is now crying to everyone like this

I'm not the one making dick threads every day...

Circumcision removes a lot of the skin near the tip of the penis, and connects the remaining skin near the base to the remnant of the foreskin lining.

The skin near the base is more likely to contain hair follicles as it's close to the scrotum and pubis, so as the body grows and the cells divide, it's going to be these follicle-bearing sections of the skin which multiply to provide new skin to cover the enlarging shaft, so if you're cut you do have a greater chance of ending up with hair further up your shaft than otherwise.

Start Foreskin Restoration now

Try a manual tugging method right now:

don't just wait for foregen

Great so pull the shaft hair even further up the shaft


i'm circumcised, and i have hairs that goes far up my shaft too and when i shave them they just get thicker, and the stumps would be a pain in the ass for a chick.
fucking hate this shit country for mutilating our dicks for no fucking reason, they removed nearly 30k nerve cells of pleasure which, and on top of that we grow a thick layer of skin on our dickheads to protect it, which also reduces the sensation. genious isn't it? remove the protection nature gave us and 30k nerve cells just to grow a "mutant protection" fucking hate my dick and my parents for letting this shit happen to me, to only let me imagine how it feels to have a twice as good orgasm.
does "forskin restoration" work? anyone know?

i have said this about 3 times now foregen look them up

Have you tried one of these OP? Very good for pleasing your woman when you are unable

Mine was almost exactly like yours OP. I used to shave it but hated the stubble, so then I started plucking it. That was better but the constant maintenance got annoying too so I recently opted for laser hair removal.

It takes a number of treatments to get permanent results but I think it was worth the cost.

I can't believe you all are falling for this fucking old troll who just wants you to see and comment on his dick. Kudos old troll . Enjoy your fapping.