New vote thread:

new vote thread:

1 vote per hour

Melisandre for sure, gotta love the Dutch


So far she has won every poll: tits, ass, overall (arya didnt run).



If you choose the midget i swear i'm gonna kill all of you.You fucker can't even choose a queen.You choose that ugly cunt Boxie or whatever.IDIOTS

Those whores were hot af.

She's far behind already. It's again Dany versus Melly. Looks like you can rest easy.

Although I don't quite get you. Arya IS hot. I'm just more into MILFs than lolis.




Arya looks really really English, not hot. And Melissandre looks incredible for a 40 year old


Again, I am not into lolis but an older version of this? Yes, please. Soft face, big eyes, cute nose and chin, what's not to like?


don´t like the upside down triagle face,
Melisandre is still beautifull, and projects a kind of flair that makes her very queen like.

And i´m not a Milf fan at all.


Targaryen. Gotta worship Aryan


I like that upside down triangle in particular. If she didn't have such a broad face, that would look elfish (narrow chin).

But, yeah, Melisandre looks classy and dirty at the same time.


Can't see a difference here? Really?
Maisie Williams has pretty symmetric facial features.



I cant see a difference





Melisandre untouchable






Gotta be Arya, and I'll tell you why:

Because she's a scrawny, misshapen, bitter, vindictive oddball.

Who else should be our Queen?


looks like Sup Forums is falling for the blonde slut


>implying Sup Forums wasn't already hooked on her before she had grown bitter



wondering if dutchfags are voting for melisandre because she's dutch?



Arya is a kid
Dany is annoying
Melisandre is literally ancient

>tfw no tyene

voted dany ofc


i prefer melisandre, but it's crear that dany could be a betetr queen!

Fuck off

that, and she is the best queen.

>no smirkfu

ofc not, she has worse tits than 99% of every on Sup Forums

Inb4 faggot
Inb4 virgin.
Inb4 not american...

Sorry but those bitches have little to no support here.

>last night's results


You forgot someone


Definitely not Arya. Tryhard bitch.

How is this a discussion?

>Arya is fucking loli degenerate bullshit with the resemblance of Quasimodo, like one fine user already pointed out
>Daeneris is a feminist idol

The only right answer is Melisandre. She has twice the age of some of the cast members and is still twice as hot. Doing it fucking right.

I believe all 4 of last night's Cersei voters are now in this thread. Sorry but that's not enough to compete.

Yeah, I'm Melisandre myself because Daenerys always strikes me as too whorish. Melisandre is a ruthless lady. Or maybe it's what I want to see. XD

>having a century or older witch as a queen

>voting melisandre over missandei/dany/tyene
u faggots have no taste srs

she fucked her brother.

Time for some preliminary standings. Remember that it's vote per hour. Again: cheating sucks because that way we'll never find out how Sup Forums ticks.

try several centuries old...

over her son's corpse, no less

>Daeneris is a feminist idol
sure user a feminist idol who fell in love with the guy who raped her

>having a century or older
>or older

learn to read pls

>alpha machos are hot


LOL, Stockholm?

Her tits don't look great here. Not sure if I want her as queen.

For comparison. How can there be a choice?


>there are mel posters in this thread RIGHT NOW


get that annoying whore out of my face



>implying you wouldnt tap her in real life if u could

For sure

Reminder: you can vote once per hour

>dose eyebrows
>not matching haircolor

2/10, would not touch


And those STD, and streched pussy from all those porn dudes. Nah rather fuck a 40 year old.

Melisandre for life

Thick as fuuuacc

Filthy Turk. Absolutely disgusting.

I just want to stick my penis in her mouth. Is that too much to ask?

Melisandre, without question. As someone who doesn't even like milfs, she's hot as fuck. And I have a huge fetish for redheads.

Yeah, plenty of turkish girls are less filthy than western girls though. At least they dont fuck around as much.



She has horrible, saggy tits. Looks like a couple of snooker balls hanging in a pair of socks.


i love melisandre, but that is just kek as fuck, well done

>says we have "no taste"
>prefers a nigger over a tall, red-haired, pale-skinned, blue-eyed Aryan goddess

Kek. Ok, friendo.


its funny because its true and u know it

>Yeah, plenty of turkish girls are less filthy than western girls though. At least they dont fuck around as much.

Nice try, Mehmet.


Human females only.