I lost my parents, could you help me find them?

I lost my parents, could you help me find them?

get in the van, ill help ya

Give me that ice cream faggit.

It's a trap!

go away evil dogger

I don't know about your parents, but you need any help finding this dick..


Don't worry I will adopt you


But he still got dubs

Her IQ is literally the same as her age.

sick fucks go back to 8ch




Do you know their phone numbers? *searches pockets* Shoot, I left my phone at home. Why don't you come back to my house and we can call them and figure this whole thing out?

go back to leaddit or dumblr, whichever of those two you came from


Cant find them. Dunno why

8ch went to hell
admins/mods went crazy and fucked over everybody
where to now?

Yes. They are right here in this transgender bathroom which we can both enter. Come with me

I saw them a few block away, follow me down this dark alley