What is Sup Forums drinking?

What is Sup Forums drinking?

Erdinger, great and has a fine price

Just getting off work but will be drinking vodka tonight started at 8:30 because i have a drinking problem but i don't allow me self to start drinking before that time.

Chocolate milk.

The bo'sun will sound grog-o in about an hour.

Best potato vodka for the price



Shitty Mexican beer that is slightly mixed with tequila along with the good old regional beer. I think I'm going to have another depressive episode.

I don't know why. This drinking session ended with me feeling very down for some reason.


11.6%? What the fuck?

Costs about 2USD per bottle here in Poland. I Just finished second one.


Hé, gast

Damn that's a good picture of some chocolate milk

One of the benefits of living in an area with a large Polish population (Yes I know it is from Vienna).

That and cute blondes.


I am smacked

Ja baczewski is sheeeit tier poilish vodka. Try one named belveder

Mah comrade

Perfect for curving withdrawals

H20 all the way cause I'm a recovering alcoholic

Just trying to get drunk.

How long were you drinking user? Any cool stories? If you wish not to share I respect your decision, I just love stories.

Very clean, very nice. Tito's is good too.

bump for more user happy hour

Basically that's all JD's good for. Woodford Reserve is much smoother and getting cheaper these days

Do any of you drink crown royal? I think it's alright but all my black friends at work go nuts over it.

Raspberry infused rum mixed with lemon soda. I'm pretty shitfaced atm.



As far as rye goes, crown is pretty mediocre(imo), pic related is probably the best/cheapest rye you can get.

Niggers always go crazy over shit that is marketed to be high class, see Hennessy, crown, etc.

I'm 34 now, started heavy drinking when I was 14. 1 year sober.

4 DUI's, combined 3 years in jail, 6 wrecked cars, 40 head injuries, 1 finger cut off, and 2 ruined marriages. All while drunk.

Unfortunately the stories are not worth a greentext, but I'm much happier now. Things are looking up. Thanks for asking though.



Crown is like a Canadian Lexus compared to a Mercedes Remy Martin.

That's fantastic! I'm happy for you user. Though I'd love to hear the story of how you got a finger cut off

Even if I drink only a shot or two I get super nauseous.
I'm more of an inhalant kinda guy because of that.

Agavero Damiana Tequila. The Damiana gets you a little high if you drink enough. In Mexico, it's gifted to newly weds as a baby making potion, because it gets the girls wet as all fuck.

Only got one more bottle of this goodness left before I have to buy more from some liquor import shit business.... worth it though.

Inhalants... Have fun dying
This is the shit


Yuengling. The best cheap beer.

Try this user. It's a bit pricey but smooth as silk and worth every cent

oh man i remember getting smashed in the Corps to this all the time 12 pack for 5 bucks on base man.

Better than blue label in my opinion.

>inb4 fag drink

>queer drink

>homo drink

I've had Platinum and it's smoother than an asian's bikini wax, but I'm not a fan of the smokiness. :(

>fag drink

>tranny drink

Absolut Elyx godverdomme

Dutch strong beer

>High School white girl drink

Earl Grey, i aint no degenerate

Recovering alcoholic, 7 months no alcohol, this thread doesn't even make me want to drink, I think I'm doing well

Shitty smirnoff

motherfucker so motherfucking edgy my mind is fucking bleeding from that edge fucking wow

that's awesome man, trust me, I drink now and you're not missing out on anything but induced happiness and wasted money

getting hammered anons, why do you drink?

accidentally read "beer brewed for you" as "beer shat for you"

actually not very far from the truth

Kek, love you bro's.

This, pretty good.

Thanks Sup Forumsro. Is it bad that being sober gives me a smug sense of superiority?

Right now Hertog Jan, Dutch beer. I prefer Heineken but this takes the second spot.

I dont know to be honest. I used to get smashed like every other day when i was in the Marine Corps and now that im out i still do. Guess it's just habit.

>A.I.D.S. drink

You're Dutch, right? Otherwise how'd you get Hertog Jan outside of the NL


Skol vodka. Cheap and I'm pretty fuckdd up

New Amsterdam gin

I am dutch yes. Unfortunately there is no way of getting Hertog Jan outside NL other than importing it.

New Amsterdam is my V of choice.

The Black & Tan is better. A poorman's stout but way better than that Miller Fortune swill

fuckin norrlands guld and captain morgan, all my friends went asleep and here i am, drinkijng half a bottle all alonr

tbh, no, it's hard to maintain and you deserve it. just don't flaunt it irl or people will think you're a wanker

I', drnjkig beefeater all by myself, more for us user

Good on you! Let's get fucked up!

i swear to god, you gusy are way to good people. i love you all, i am alreadyt kinda fucked up, i chugged half a morgan and like 4 beers aswell as 2 shots of vodka and some jaeger, at this point i might aswell fall aslepp at the computer

also, beefeater is awesome niggah, have a random image.

Fuck yeah

swefag here, drinking some zaranoff and coke

About to be

Have fun! Easy on the jäger though ;)

zaranoff? i thought iwas theo nly one in sweden who drank that, jesus.if i had legal tits on here i would post it, just for you

the morgan is whats fucki9n me up atm, sjould really mix it with shit, but i onlu got pepsi max, which doesnt really work

Cheap beer. Wanted to go pick up some cheap whiskey but I just got off a 12 hour shift and still have to eat and shower, so by the time I'm done the liquor store will probably be closed

Working on a bottle of Maker's 46

i didnt pay for it, payed for the food while my buddy brought hte booze,

Muh nigga. $10 US for half gallon. Doesn't matter bc all vodka, either cheap or expensive, tastes like fingernail polish remover.


im so wewak, i dont even like partying, but drinkin is fine, we were blasting some nice german death metal before, but when everyone fell aslepp i hjad to keep it so myslef :(()I(

Surgical soap, apparently

what an alien

Also this
My favorite


With epic level of typos here, not sure if trolling or legit shitfaced

Skol tastes fucking terrible. I can't even undertand how someone couldn't tell the difference between it and a mid/high end vodka.

why would you drink that pleb tier shit? it's not even real rum its just a flavoured spirit

Valhalla Koskenkorva
Jack Daniel's
Tuborg Green