Hookups on Tinder?

Hookups on Tinder?

I'm sure a lot of you fags have a lot of tips for picking up bitches on Tinder.

Here's my methodology.

1) Create a new Facebook account
2) Create a KiK account
3) Create a Tinder account using your new Facebook account
4) Use a chick with an O face as your profile picture
5) Write in your profile not to bother swiping, that you're just there for a hookup. Also add some description of your considerable sexual prowess. Then add your KiK account to the bottom if your profile.
6) Pop a cold beer and watch your KiK account blowup.
7) Wear a fucking condom. You're dumb as hell to think some bimbo trolling to get laid on Tinder may not be infected with shit.
8) Pic related

i just use my pic and no profile. seems to work.

There seems to be some steps missing in between

I don't understand how are you going to fuck any girls if you are pretending to be a girl? Please elaborate my simple mind does not stretch this far

>pretend to be a girl
>this somehow leads to you getting laid


The problem is you have to like each other before you can talk. Ops method bypasses that necessity. In fact, it almost make the process automatic.

Yeah really OP, you stupid motherfucker, what are you even trying to say?

But isn't your kik going to blow up with guys trying to fuck you? How are supposed to get laid?

Are you all idiots? He is just using a picture of a girl cumming. He is still making the profile as a male. You can do the same shit on okcupid and get laid before it gets flagged.

Op here. Don't post your face on the Internet asking for a blow job. It can complicate your life. Also, for you slower fags, your profile identifies you as a man looking for a woman.

TBH I'm meeting a tinder girl right now fucking her all night and then going to a rave to fuck her more tomorrow night.
I just use my pic, post my interests (like snowboarding, Jiu Jitsu, archery, band shows, etc) and open up with some snarky witty reply/joke about something on her bio and it gets me at least a date every couple weeks.
Just be a real human and make your existence seem part of her life already.

so ive actually been wanting to make a tinder account.. so youre saying make a new fbook and use a womans face/body ect. but post as a male and include your kik... now i guess i get this method if youre being very direct about wanting sex but what if it were more about just meeting people and maybe having things go somewhere from there

I am retard...duh. Can someone explain this please?

Op further elaborate how the fuck a pic of a girl cumming will get you any pussy from any girl above a 5/10 on Tinder.

...right. because that's how it works

Can someone explain the logic behind this shit?

You don't.

/thread. Op is king autist

>don't post any pics of yourself just say it outright you're here for sex and demonstrate that with a pic of a girl having an orgasm you'll get mad pussy I tell you

Ok pal, I doubt any of it would be good but ok

It actually is. You'll get a ton of fattys, but once in a while there will be a good looking girl that just wants to have sex. Course you have to be able to act like a non autist after they message you.

Why would girls like a profile pic of another girl though? Barring the rare bi girls...

I'm glad when I read OP's post I wasn't the only one confused.

Tbh the only way to hook up with attractive women on tinder is to be attractive, roided out, or rich.. or a drug dealer.

ITT: shriveled dicks who can't ask out attractive women when they see them in person

OP we dateless virgins summon you.... Please teach us the holy tinder scam

Can you guys post what an O face is?

Waitaminute waitaminute.... R u supposed to be hooking up on tinder or Kik?
Has anyone done this before?


Are you seriously retarded?

Pic related. Fucked her the same night I did this

austin, tx bruh

Be white
Go to Latin america
Fuck a lot

i dont understand how acting like a girl will get you laid. wont they get grossed out when a guy replies back wth pls explain

I prefer this guy's method OP.

yea but he missed a step
>buy hookers

Thank you. Its really super easy here. And im not handsom by any means.

No pic, no proof.

That is a fat bitch if I ever saw one

Atx 26 yr old user here, kik me: failure2id

top half of her pussy pouch is hanging a little low.

Pic related. Not a fat butch.

Leathery hide/ 10

Can you help explain this then?