No Cringe Thread ?

No Cringe Thread ?

Let's have a Cringe Thread Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:







Wtf is even happening here







I weep for mankind




>says shes famous and that everyone knows her
>its a fucking anonymous board





Seems like a cool chick. Got any nudes?

looks like this guy i know lol

Lenny is my hero. Ruthless bastard.



So people like that actually exist



Yes I do


>when you grow up in a trailer park
>when you're 16 and still breast feeding

Probably some of the cringiest shit ever.



Shit sisters


Yeah he is cringe, but she's also being a dirty cunt about it.






that's awesome, not cringe

I want to know the aftermath

It must fucking smell terrible.

Are you just mad you can't do that?

Thats not really cringe. Its actually a pretty accurate social observation.


Sorry user but you faggot side is showing

classy barca fan


I'm at the edge of my fucking seat here.


> neck.dll not found




This has to be a fake

>he stayed home and cried a lot
>his mom let him stay up late
>on a school night


You know what foods are shaped like penises? The best foods.

Not cringe at all


You forget that Elysia gets double-teamed by Jake and Bryan.

Those guys in the middle left must be comfy as fuck.



Her name isn't sandy though... It starts with an L as you can see by the shitty job of blocking out the names

So this is how tripfags think

You got trips yourself mang

Fucking poop juice on that blue plate.



This is the wrong fucking picture how can I be this autistic

Alpha as fuck. Puts that shit out there.

lool, almost happened to me too once, no joke. my gf can't get pregnant (or at least the baby don't survive bcus of some problems inside her) so she always miscarriges (dunno how to spell it). one time she complained about being in pain, but she wanted to fuck anyways, and in the middle of it she starts bleeding like crazy, runs in the shower and drops a fucking fetus in it.





fucking disgusting

Goose is comedy gold. Not Cringe.


i know

Why is the sonic fanbase so bad?


Mfw this guy lives about an hour away from me.

i dont get it, whos who??



>please respond

top kek


>still trying to make "fetch" happen

