More of her?

More of her?

More of her!

Other urls found in this thread:

whatever you say boss


Same fagging?

Fuck. I wish there were more than 5 pictures of her. Everytime I see them posted I get thick and hard.

>I'm a newfag who has no idea what samefagging is



How old is she


yes. I want to see her cock.

all these pics and no name?

nope sry...


name of her?

you must be new here



Tf, I have the same chewie robe.






she is not even that big of a deal, wank to something descent

post moar then

Dam i wish i had... She is a fucking goddess to me. I also like sami people, but there is no material over them

name / Nick or something?



Ella-Li Spik of Jokkmokk. She herded reindeers when young


"Ella-Li Spik of Jokkmokk, Sweden, is one of only a small percentage of Sami who grow up herding reindeer. She is part of a new generation with plans to attend college. "I want to explore the world," she says, "but I always want reindeer to be part of my life.""
I would marry and make kids with this beautifyl woman, and live comfy life in lapland...

well she got chubby so.. NO...

Saw dreads and assumed feminist. IG - private. Go to her Tumblr and see some shit about feminist photography - closed Tumblr. These types of people are really starting to become a meme of themselves. Pretty sad.

She got chubby because she have an anabolic metabolism, a slow superior metabolism. So get rekt you skinny catabolic inferior cunt. I love having a lot of muscles(and sometimes fat, mostly during bulks) because of my superior genetics

I also love chubby, they have thicker legs and bigger boobs

then good for you guys. But still I don't like chubby girls so STFU

too bad

Check this crazy shit out


Anyone here? Im just going to dump some stuff for no reason

