Roll dubs and I'll put my nuts in my mouth

Roll dubs and I'll put my nuts in my mouth.


Well that was easy

Good thing op always delivers here on good ol Sup Forums.


Pony up OP

Op is a faggot.

picture of a beta-male with some sort of nuts between his lips incoming

Well god damn that was fast. Here ya go


OP here! You're so good at predicting this stuff! On the other hand, you aren't alpha because
1)You're on Sup Forums
2) You just clicked on a thread of a guy (me) offering to put his nuts in his mouth.



Way to deliver OP. Thank you

anytime, faggot, any time.
Now I just need to buy a donkey so I can say "dubs and I'll lick my own ass"
There's one for sale near me on craigslist for cheap.

that was fast.

Deliver now OP

those are not yours, they came from a tree

See above plz

I bought them, they're mine. That's how it works in AMERICA!

Sup Forums sucks because of you, cancer

cancer-kun please die

Oh come on, you gotta give us more than that for a first reply dubs.