My fucking daughter loves this game called "Animal jam" she wont stop bitching at me to buy her some in game bullshit...

My fucking daughter loves this game called "Animal jam" she wont stop bitching at me to buy her some in game bullshit with my credit card. Is there any way that I can just edit what she has in game? please Sup Forums help me save my credit card.

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Op your daughter is a furry faggot, take her into the yard in a small cage and get your 10 gauge shotgun and put that son'va bitch down.

nope, its one of those online games, all data is stored serverside. Have you tried saying no?

If it's a security thing then just buy a $50 prepaid Visa card, and if it's you're cheap, do it anyway.

Just say no, mate. No means no. Tell her you'll ground her from the game for a week if she asks again. Grow a spine.

Op here, ive told her no countless times. She is extremely violent and wont take no for an answer, its horrible.

That's what happens when you spare the rod you faggot.

Break out a switch next time she does that and ground her. Don't let your kid treat you like that. That's what my parents did and I never once acted out again after a few times of that.

Parents are the problem with kids today.

Op again, during a previous time when I said no she went to the kitchen and grabbed my Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron 9-inch Hibiscus Iron Handle Skillet and swung at my kneecap, my knee is swollen from this and I dont want to upset her again.

Beat her senseless, you created her, she better fucking obey your commands.

>Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron 9-inch Hibiscus Iron Handle Skillet
My Sides have left the building.

Lock away the skillets and suck it up. If it means not letting your kid turn out to be a bitch when she grows up then deal with it.

>being stood over by a child
I can't think of anything more beta than this.

op you must

she doesnt actually live with me, shes here on visitation from her mothers currently. I care for her but god damn what a bitch she is.

Who's the parent here?
Ever heard of the word "no"?

Try it.

There you have it. The mother has poisoned the child.

Enjoy supporting a family you'll never be a part of OP.

she gonna grow up a bitch showing her tits on Sup Forums

Op here again, my daughter doesn't really exist and im not interested in the game. Just felt lonely, thanks guys.

Teach her to value money. Make her work for it. Tell her that she can get some inn-app purchases and assign value to different tiers.

For example, to get $10 in game she can give you a handjob. She can double that to $20 by using her mouth. If she lets you fuck her she can get whatever she wants.

Good life skills start at home :)

Op here, I just told her no and now shes out in the yard breaking down my T-post tree gravity feeder...

Good luck undoing that shit.

>Literally gets his ass beat by and fears his own child daughter.
You're fucking pathetic.

Don't give it to her.

Well stop her then. Don't give in.

The fuck, I googled that skillet and that shit is expensive. No wonder you don't have money.

Can't stop laughing at you calling your own daughter a bitch. Too high...

Op here, she's getting too angry and is threatening to burn her hands with my George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine. what do I do?

Let her. She'll realize it was a bad idea if she even gets that far. I don't think she'll actually do it.

Op here, the T-feeder is destroyed. also I do own a george forman grill but she has never threatened me with it.

Delete game. If violence ensues, delete phone. With a fucking nailgun. Gotta set boundaries

>Op here, I just told her no and now shes out in the yard breaking down my T-post tree gravity feeder...

I'm going to need a time-stamped picture to verify this.

Call her mother and tell her to come pick up her twat droppings. Or, just beat the ever loving fuck outta her and marvel at how well she listens in the future.

I can't help but think of your posts like they're a subtle advertisement.


Sounds like you've been a horrible parent to have raised a daughter so awful. Should've aborted.

>my knee is swollen from this and I dont want to upset her again.

LOL you're a fucking bitch. You should stick your dick up the hole her shit comes out of, that'll show her who's boss. You've gotta assert some dominance you beta fuck.

OP, you're a fucking horrible parent.

If you can't say control your own daughter, then you might as well kill yourself.

What the fuck none of these are me I dont even own a fucking skillet or wish to. Ok this is actually Op, I had to leave for a second to calm my daughter down, she started crying over it but she seems to be fine now.

Op here, she's just spent an hour trying to get me to reach a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self. When i threatened to call the police, she suddenly changed her attitude, and tried to claim she didn't exist!!

You can just fuck up the modem with a parent control shit then tell her about jews and 9/11
Then teach her how to shoot guns and why homosexuality is evil, or start drinking everyday jackdaniels that shit will help you deal with her violent attitude.

That's not OP.
I'm OP. The skillet is safe.

My daughter is fine now, and she is not on visitation her mother lives with us, honestly her mother is the only thing keeping me here. If not I would leave, its not that I dont care for my daughter its just that shes a handful sometimes she drives me insane.

I think it makes more sense that a girl is beating the OP with kitchen appliances.

2/10 bait

Body slam her then pepper spray her cuff her and say it is because of her own good, make her watch reruns of cops and tell her on a drill sargeant voice that you own her, that she is now going to say yes sir or no sir to everything then give her a nick name.
or you can waterboard her

But not insane enough to buy that fucking skillet, shit costs to much.

How about you ask your wife to loan you your testicles back for a few minutes, learn how to be a parent, and fucking tell 'your' kid no.

Or ask your wife who the real father is and have him do it.

I think OP just wanted us to ask for pics of his daughter

Smear some roadkill on toast and force feed it to her. She'll LOVE animal jam after that.

You're not OP, I'm OP. I'm fucking my daughter now. Gotta jet guys!


you can just stay classy and go old yeller if she is violent now, she will probably turn into a feminazi in the future..... just a suggestion.

My daughter has ADHD, Her mood changes all the time and she can go from the most sweet person ever to a raging feminist in a minute. Also I tell her no all the time, my wife does too but "No" just seems to fly right over her head. I dont want to get in any physical conflict my daughter either.

You're not OP.
I'm OP.
Fucking doody head.

Call the cops next time she gets violent.


How old is she? Learn how to parent you useless fucking pussy

Fuck you, ya big meany. If my daughter wasn't balls deep in my dick I'd call you a faggot, you fucking faggot.

Post pics of your daughter's juicy pussy.



Better get a restraining order too while you're at it.

Fuck off Im trying to have a serious conversation about my family issues here, Ive been thinking that I should get a divorce and just be done with this shit but I just cant bring myself to do it. I know that my daughter doesnt mean to do the things she does but its hard to stay around someone like that for long periods of time, especially when they are asking for money out of your wallet.

How did you get her inside your dick?

Thank christ. What about that George Foreman?

Enjoy the party van when it comes for you.



Hide all the things she can probably make into a weapon. If she goes hysteric again, tell her no loud and hit her as hard as you can.


I'm hiding in the closet right now, if I'm quiet maybe she'll leave my skillet alone.

I dont know what on this earth made me think I could have a serious fucking conversation with Sup Forums about my family issues without some pedo bullshit coming up, I will not be posting any pictures of my family on here. Im fucking done with this thread, im going to go find a feels thread or a ylyl thread to just try and drown out my problems.

Help yourself and take the phone from a child that never should have been given one in the first goddamn place. Grow some balls and tell YOUR CHILD that if she wants any useless and unnecessary shit in life then she's got to buy it herself. You fed, clothe and shelter her. QUIT BEING SUBMISSIVE TO A CHILD. Fucking should be ashamed of yourself.

While you're at it you should let your daughter fuck you up the ass with a strap-on, since she's clearly the dominant one.

Op here, basically I'm a beta bitch and my daughter wears strapons when she pegs me. My arsehole is the size of my giant bleeding pussy.

After she's done she always makes me cook macaroni and cheese with chicken tendies. I hate the stupid fucking bitch

OP's daughter here, anyone got any ideas on how I can blackmail my dad into buying me shit?


No you fuck off I am being surious, when I was a kid and i got extremely violent and out of control my mom called the cops. A night in a holding cell not knowing if she was going to come back for me or not changed my attitude pretty fucking quick.

Then you should get a skillet OP, they make the fuck out of some eggs and bacon

Op was a total faggot and left us here. Little bitch getting dominated by his daughter. Talk about first world problems, shit.

I'm pretty sure we're all posting in a bait thread. Nice one, OP. You got us.

Tits or gtfo

Yeah probably.


It's clear there is no daughter, and OP the faggot just wants to get free shit for his gay ass game.

Use the fucking bag on her for 3 minutes while she is tied down, or use a rag hire some nigger to give her a gallon of water with a cloth on her face that would teach her.
You can make her a killing machine or a FemiNazi.
That nigger from new york did some shit to his nephew Washington I mean now he is all famous and shit.

but it was fun while it lasted probably OP is a faggot who wants a video game is fucking mental, wants his parents to buy him the video game also been a little queer bitch instead of thinking how can I fuck up another persons life while not the ones that provide to me.