Did anyone catch Kylie's sex tape on Tygas website yesterday. Also general Kylie thread

Did anyone catch Kylie's sex tape on Tygas website yesterday. Also general Kylie thread

I wish

This is news to me

No I didn't, is there a dropbox link?

It's amazing how no one anywhere has seen it...

It probably doesn't exist then

She is probably the only person who could make a sex tape more boring than her sister.

Plus it would have Tyga, who is just a complete fucking waste.

There is no win here . . .

Seeing Kylie naked is the win you fucking retard

If you consider that a win, I don't think I am the fucking retard here . . .

I can put periods too . . .

I don't know who she is alls I know is I want her dead

i consider kylie a win. the fact that you care more about seeing tygas dick tells more about you

Good for you user.You can do something else besides being a Kardashian cheerleader.

anyone save it? i want to see

its just bs dont worry

Learn to read and comprehend.

seems like you are focusing a lot on what kinda guy it is. you just openly admitted to being a faggot.

But she not even white YOOO

Read this again.Maybe go get your Mom or little sister to help you, you seem to be encountering difficulties.

Please tell me there is something from it? A measly thumbnail?

Like noone took a print screen?
seems like fake business for me. yeah business as in just for attracting fame and rumors

>Plus it would have Tyga
No dude, you really give your attention to the guy which is pretty fucking weird.