So these girls did Shakespeare naked. Trying to find more of the Marisa girl, the girl on the right

So these girls did Shakespeare naked. Trying to find more of the Marisa girl, the girl on the right.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you just dump photos?


Whoops forgot to link the article

>these girls did Shakespeare naked
The epitome of the lazy theater major.

"So what fresh perspective did you bring to the play?"
"We did it with our tits out."



shit where did you find uncensored pics? Don't dump, just link to page? I need to fap. This is literally my fetish omg plz


I did

God, this
It's not even a gender thing, it's a lazy community theater thing, oh and isn't that nice they don't even have a fucking stage how "minimalist", after all, Shakespeare is all about the text because that's what the schoolbooks say and nothing to do with presentation
Also I can just imagine the constant "acty whine" demeanor each of these people had (I can tell by their face...sad eyebrows and wide eyes...classically bad)

I wonder how she would feel if she knew her performance was just fap material for me


God dammit I refuse to believe these five or six shit pictures are all there is of this show. Most of these are hairy hambeasts, but fucking christ a couple of these are grade A fap material.

I know I'm trying to find more but no luck so far


Here's their group


that's the only thing that would make Shakespeare watchable IMO.

A real tribute to the bard, and western civilization in general. "Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing."

I like how this guy is looking straight at the girl with the nicest body.