Ive been lookig at dirty dirty mags since i was 8 or 9. When i discovered Sup Forums i was a /gif fag...

Ive been lookig at dirty dirty mags since i was 8 or 9. When i discovered Sup Forums i was a /gif fag. I was there for a few years and then they seperated the boards.

I started coming to b and since then im not attracted to women anymore. I just save the best pictures like a fucking stamp collector.

How can i un gay myself. Post best content and advice.

>2 of ?

>3 of ?

>4 of ?

Stop looking at so much porn and only masturbate when you get really turned on by a woman.

>5 of ?

>6 of ?

Sup Forums is the cesspool of the internet. I never used to even THINK about cock until I came here. Now I fantasize about sucking cock and watching other men fuck my girlfriend. I see the cock rate threads and most of them I think to myself "I'd suck that". Yeah.. FUCK this place!!

>7 of 7

Exactly. Id never be cucked but i fantasize about it. Worried ill actually be ok with some day

Don't feel bad, user, I'm the same way.

I don't even see the point of even looking at girls anymore. Regardless of how good looking they are, they are always the same fragile, flip-flopping bitches.

Honestly, you're better off just having nothing to do with women and wait until VR sex games and VR Waifus (I hate anime, but I can't think of anything else to call them) become a common thing.

Never need to look at a real woman again.
>real woman

Yeah, I'm gonna need the sauce

Being gay is a one-way road

So you were straight and then you became gay?
Just leave it to OP, I guess.

Feels like that

Sorry nabbed this from gif earlier. Didnt have sawse

Amanda Love

Yeah. see that's all me. I have never been cucked YET.... (yet being the operative word). I fantasize about it ALL the fucking time though. Pretty much every time I jack off? I imagine watching another guy fuck my girlfriend. So I too have that same worry of maybe one day being ok with it. It disturbs me and turns me on at the SAME time. I never thought like that until I came to this hellhole.

You know, I've been here a while (sadly missed out on oldfag status, but I've been here a couple of years) and I haven't felt any urge to be cucked at all.

Sorry, but the way I see it, if I have a classic car, I'm not going to let the janitor get his dirty, filthy, black hands on it.

have you thought about going bi? you never know, you might like getting a dick up your ass.

>Amanda Love
I even found the vid. Thx user

Understandable. Hell, that was my way of thinking until I came here. The thought of another guy fucking my girl would send me into a mad rage at just the thought of it. But slowly over time from spending years on this fucking place the idea of another guy fucking my girl actually turns me on. I don't even know how I came to this point in my life. Maybe this place doesn't wear everyone down the same way, but I know for me it has... because I NEVER thought about being a cuck until I came here. The idea used to disgust me, now it actually appeals to me. I've wanted to quit this place for years but it has some kind of fucking hold on me. So I continue to lurk year after year.

Op here. We took the lurk moar rule too seriously.

Guys I got a problem along these lines, my gay roommate keeps trying to come onto me. I don't want it, but I could be getting free blowjobs all day every day. What do?

I've hypothesized that the reason for this surge of cuckhold porn is because, A, porn industry pushing something, but B, because more and more people just can't enjoy having things OR doing that .

And again, I could be wrong since, hey, the idea doesn't thrill me, but to me it seems like "I can't enjoy something I have unless someone else is using it" or "I can't feel validated unless someone else wants it".

I mean, hey, you wouldn't want a girlfriend to cuck you if no one wants to fuck her.

But again, that's just, like, my opinion, man...

Gay people have aids, and you don't want to get the aids.

Yes we REALLY did. I know i'm sure as fuck guilty of that. I mean really... stop and think about it. Your life before Sup Forums.... the thought of another guy even TOUCHING your girl would make you beat the shit out the guy.... come here to Sup Forums... lurk for a few years and then all of a sudden you start thinking about another guy not only touching your girl, but fucking her... while you watch! I mean that should be proof that this place is TOXIC. Sad part is..? I'm too far gone.. I may never actually be cucked in real life.. but I still think about it EVERY goddamn day now. Every single time I jack off, I think about another guy fucking my girl while I watch. I have even taken the fantasy to a twisted place. I imagine that she even DENIES me access to her pussy...that only the "other guy" is allowed to fuck her.. just to add insult to injury... and yet somehow? That shit turns me on. I dunno, I often regret ever coming here, but i'm too far gone now. This place has some kind of hold on me, I feel COMPELLED to keep lurking. Ahh well, Suppose there is always worse things I could be doing.

You could be onto something. The human mind is fucked up and it works in mysterious ways. So that could very well be the cause of the rise in interest for cuckholding. Who really knows. It just bothers me that it's something that REALLY turns me on. I literally jack off to the thought of another guys fucking my girlfriend. I even think about it on a very deep level. I get off on the idea of some other guy taking my power away from me and using what's mine. If i think too much about it? I can literally get my dick hard from the thought alone! It's fucked up.