Can I get a few thoughts on my gf

Can I get a few thoughts on my gf

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thats not a real vagina

ew ashleigh. :(


Ok you are a girl then so tits or gtfo ;)


Nope her name is katheryne


Cool. I'd tap it!

she was good on the first go.......but Im not going there again......

She's a good little slut


Thanks. Moar?


Good looking pussy. Get off Sup Forums and go fuck it!

you retards just believe anything


extremely underrated post

also check'd

What's not to believe?



wrong thread


Eh, not enough tits




buy some fucking curtains

That's a closet door that broke

Buy a fucking closet door.

Haha why bother

lol is she really into godsmack? havent seen that logo in a loooong minute.

Yea lol it's her favorite band

That's not your hand.

Fake picture