ITT: we all work as cops for the NYPD

ITT: we all work as cops for the NYPD

No time for work, John, let's keep eating donuts.

I have to watch the carbs, doctor said I'm a doughnut away from a cardiac arrest.

Congratulations Larry, who's just bagged his 5th innocent shooting from behind

Bonus points if he was black

I heard another nigger was killed in Brownsville over lunch.

Oh, that was me fam

Look, when they resist arrest, I have the right to assert my control over these scum punks

*shoots people*

please welcome our new officer, Sgt. Vasquez

Careful, Larry's already attracting enough attention with his killing of black minors.


Stop dreaming Bill, and go make me a damn coffee.

the niggers are chimping out, I need backup!

15 thousand in property damage! 3 destroyed vehicles! 4 injured civilians! And a dead baby! I'm gonna have the DEA up my ass for a month, Your a good cops but you're a loose canons. Get outta my sight

can i put my tongue up your shitter Sarg leave it in there for 20-25 minutes, please?

Hey sweetie get me a cup of coffee

On my way after donuts and coffee


You got a problem with me?

Two more years, then BOOM, retirement. I'm gonna move down to Boca, and never look back.

Fuck off creep, get me a taco.

make yourself a coffee, I'm busy.

I don't fucking think so

"My over-inflated salary and pension are bankrupting the city. But that's not my problem, I'm just gonna keep on doing doughnuts on empty roads in my police car until I hit my 20 years"

Thank you for calling 911. I am sorry all of our lines a busy. Please hang up, and try again later.

What? I've been on the beat 18 years. I'll never make detective.

You're promoted.

No one gave you that kind of authority, you're a fucking janitor cum clean this up this black guys blood from the interrogation room!

I'm Sgt. Vasquez cunt, you know - your new superior?

but i want to tongue your shitbox sarg come on

Lets make it up and hit the evidence room together, what do you say?

Sure thing, what we gonna do?

What calibre are you packing?

Alright everyone listen up. As you are all aware of the recent robberies at local KFCs, we are to work closely in a joint effort with the FBI to bring back all the stolen chicken, and taken down those involved in the crime ring of smugglers. Mr. Smith will be heading the operation and will be asking for volunteers.


Forget the crispy creams and all donuts. The Niggers have to go!!!!!

Everyone ready for the sand niggers and cucks to video tape us and and tell us how much better we could be doing our job by not arresting or harming innocent nigger civilians?

Oh, weren't you there for that? The budget cuts have been intense, so we had to steal it for our department shared lunch.

We just picked up some columbian bam bam of some jiggaboos i was trying to rail some lines then go down to the local Chinese spot and arrest some chinks for not speaking english and cooking up cats you boys down? lets grab the k-9 units and let em loose on some nigs too.


Sounds good, let's go arrest some immigrants.

My apologies I thought it was a race crime. Welp looks like you're buying the pizza tonight agent Smith.

It's alright, we can just lay the blame on the niggers anyway.

Lets grab some lunch with my good friend Georgie Zimmerman, he helped me talk a lot of "dissident youth" off the street if you know what i'm saying. I'm talking about niggers.

Brooklyn accident.

An inspiration to us all.


*Radio sizzle sound*
Hey Johnson! Are you there, buddy? I need some back up over at Lingston street!
There are a couple funny looking fellas.

*Radio sizzle sound*
I heard you loud and clear. I'm behind the wheels already, let us catch some yellow and black scum!

Just like any other day. AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA, ain't that right Magillicutty?

Take me sarge, I was in the great krispy kreme krusade of 09, I can handle deep fryers and desert eagles

I shot 3 niggers today Chief, can I have the weekend off?

Shut the fuck up Tyrone, the only reason why we let you be a cop is because of the diversity quota.

No, that's a normal kill count faggot.

As an African American and a huge fan of the COD series, I laughed way too hard at this.

Get back into that cell Jamal.

My name is TyShawn!

Son this case makes the 09 incident look like the Duncan Donut massacre of 02. I hope you are ready to see some shit. Had a rookie caught in the crossfire stabbed in the eyes with a wishbone from a 12 piece 1 week ago. We are dealing with some savages here.

*~mental note~*
Reschedule meet up with Cheif's wife.

> Wait! I said that out loud?

You take me for a cuck, boy?

Giga nigga is on the Rampage
Requesting immediate backup.
Reporting all reinforcements.