I'm I the only one who felt this game is lazy and mediocre?

I'm I the only one who felt this game is lazy and mediocre?

>The lore is nothing more than "Hey remember this?"
>It's completely linear. Yeah, shortcuts are back but it doesn't matter when there is no reason to backtrack.
>The NPC's barely change dialog.
>The bonfire placement doesn't make any sense.
>It's surprisingly easy.
>It crashes a little too frequently.

I feel like I'm insulting a sacred cow but damn what a disappointment. Where's white-knuckle narrow platforms of Zen's Fortress? Where's the pain and reward of exploration? Where's the borderline trolling from the developers?

It feels so safe and boring

The entirety of the NG+ cycles consist of only artificial difficulty and act as a barrier for slightly better ring versions.

Prove me wrong.

I got bored of the first Dark Souls alone after I beat Ornstein and Smough.

It's an alright game, but holy shit it's overrated as fuck.

never played DS. which one should I buy?

The first one.
Number two was good but not as good

but... I like eye candy

>I'm I the only one
Yes, Melissa Etheridge, you are the most amazing critic of video games.

If you're on PC you can always put DSfix on it, get it running in high resolution and even mod in some high res textures. Of course that's a lot of extra work, but it does turn out pretty well.
I haven't played 3 yet but it looks pretty good visually.
2 has some anti cheat that also doesn't really allow mods so it can't be improved upon

I would drown in my desire for you wawawawawah

How does it compare to Demon Souls? i loved this one!

I was also greatly dissapointed with the 3rd instalment of the Dark Souls seris. I feel it could have been so much more. Im scared they might start realeseing one every year like and the souls seris becomes a cash grab like so many other seris.

See what I think it is OP, is that if you've come to this one it isn't your first Souls game. Like we are all prepared for some level of shit to deal with. The bonfire placements make sense when you find everything in an area. Yeah the lore isn't as deep as the first game and it is supposed to be nostalgic. As for the linearity, that was mainly because of complaints Dark Souls was too freeing to go to incredibly punishing places on accident. And while this game has some linearity to it, it really sort of stops once you hit the Road of Sacrifices. But that is my two cents

It's shit. Demon's Souls > Dark Souls any day.

Crap, I had high hopes :(

The Dark Souls series is terrible. Faggot fanboys... Want a hard game faggots? Play Super Star Wars on the SNES or Rocky and Pocky. Pleeb New fags.

yeah i stopped playing really fast and i'm back on PillarsofEternity its just... not great

It isn't that linear. You can go wherever you want whenever you want. It's crashed zero times for me out of over 200 hours. Lore has 5 lords of cinder all with their own stories, which is mostly new, apart from the artorias aspect of abyss watchers and the gwyndolin/nito aspect of aldritch. It's only easy because you probably played the last few souls games and have a huge amount of experience. I'd rate it slightly easier than ds1, which is still damn hard for a newbie. Bonfire placement is indeed too frequent, but it makes it more "accessible" (casual). NPC quest lines are as vague and easy to fuck up as DS1's were. NPC dialogue variety is pretty much identical to ds1. PvP definitely needs polishing though.

I would say it isn't hard, it is just something once you practice you have it down and it is easy and natural. But the PVP is what brings people back over and over

Inc copy pasta from notes while i played

mechanics that encourage the player to stand around waiting:
curse hands out of books
lantern guys in dungeon
enemies that throw lloyds

repetition of thrall hood thief characters (we need a fast guy here.. these guys again)
titanite drops (large shards when inapropriate, titanite constitutes how much loot on map and on mobs? bet more than any other DS)
Lothric castle have same old lothric knights that just hit harder
same bird enemies in untended graves
same cathedral knights in lothric gardens
area behind dragon boss is complete rehash of tutorial area. shame since players will soon be doing that same tutorial area again in NG+
proud to beat bosses on my own
-pontiff, ok i have to have help
-dancer, im tired of this fight
-dragon guy, i just dont care any more
-gurndir master, i know what this fight will be but i really just dont care and want this done

-demon king and aldrich so so entertaining and satisfying to beat on my own

How many damn bonfires do you have to touch for the ending? dulls the impact methinks

why am i playing ds3 for the story more than the gameplay at this point? anor londo is nice and all but..

>dark souls x is lazy and mediocre
meanwhile, I rage every single time i start a new game in any of them and see that they didn´t even fucking bother to check if I´m using a keyboard and give me controller inputs for commands AGAIN
That is seriously the one thing that makes me the angriest in all of Dark Souls. Okay, O&S was slightly worse.

apparently #3 will be the last souls game.

I agree with everything you just said. Overall I think this game is not as good as the first, but the first was great because they had nothing to prove and came out with something really fun and great. DS 2 just was way too linear and too cheap in fights, and I feel this rounds out the franchise well. But the first game will be the one people play on for years

2 is shit, they just say 2 is good so they can make 3 look worse

DS1 and DS3, also BB if you have a PS4 but that can be considered irrelevant since it is not "souls"

Don't play DS2 first, play it at some point but not as your first, it's "ok" but it's still pretty shit. Don't let Sup Forums contrarians tell you otherwise, it's just a meme. DS2 is inferior to the others and you're not missing out on much, for the base game at least.

I think the gravest mistake they made in the later dark souls was having the ability to warp around from the start

Sure, it was tedious and boring to trudge around the map in the first half of the game, but it made the map feel so big.

The journey down blighttown was so memorable because it really did feel more like a journey, like you were a long, long way from home.

And getting the lordvessel and the ability to warp was such a treat. It was a reward for all the pain, and you felt less helpless with it.

A lot of your uninspired points I think have more foresight by the creators than you think. I've talked to many who think that scaling enemies is completely fine, and it doesn't bother them. I mean they do have new weapons, abilities, and movesets. You can always skip ahead to lothric castle to farm titanite. I thought the untended graves was cool, plus you get to go to the dragon area cause of it. I don't know why people think pontiff is so hard though

>back stab
>every Souls game ever

The reason to warp was just because firelink was made back into a central hub and the only place to spend souls. Demon souls had the warping.

>clearly hasn't played 3

Ghouls and ghosts = hardcore difficulty

Pontiff is fairly difficult because he gives you barely any time to counterattack, the boss at the end of archdragon peak is way worse though. I couldn´t defeat that guy at all. First a fucking wyvern that does 3/4th of my quite high hp with one hit and flies around all the time and then another strong enemy right after.

>estoc spam makes game even easier than previous entries

The nameless King is definitely hard, but the wyvern part isn't that hard cause its head takes so much damage. Then he just has a modified ornstein's moveset

They made it slightly more accessible to please the more casual masses
Just be happy it doesn't suck
DLC will probably be brutal

I might get hate for this but my favorite souls game is dark souls 2 have like 1k plus hours put into it. While i have like 20 hours in dark souls 3 rip overhyped bloodborne trash.