Should I fuck this slut?

Should I fuck this slut?

post nudes

Have no nudes


kill yourself

no...just don't

with a paper bag maybe and extremely drunk


Sounds like a good time

She won't feel you after this



Though about that but im just doing it to bust a nut on her so does it matter what she feels


Will fuck mine while sleeping


I fucked a chubby bitch with gigantic tits in maryland and she looks exactly like girl in ops pic

OP here Illinois slut.

All deez hoes start to look the same after a while

Will you even feel her though after im done with her?

Depends on how mentally healthy you are. There is no long-term gain in having sex with anyone you're not in love with, and even the transitory physical pleasure of meaningless sex can be largely illusory.

I just wanna cum on her face man....