I've lurked on Sup Forums for over 2 years and never posted once... until now

I've lurked on Sup Forums for over 2 years and never posted once... until now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Next you need to acquire some unfortunate fetishes.

lies new fag, i bet your the one thats posting the banna cancer

I suggest boku no pico for an anime it has a very good story line

I said I've been on here for 2 years... you think i don't have unfortunate fetishes?

RIP ice cream cone

U posting this proves you haven't been here that long

i bet your that fag that lurks around

Lurk more

Help me... ive been trapped here for over a decade...

RIP dog paw

Ah, good.

Also, click on people's post number when you're replying to them.

Nice - as far as I can remember it'll be ten years for me sometime in October. Can't actually remember when I started, but that's when my oldest Sup Forums pic on my hard drive is from.

And yeah, there's no escape.

Like this?

I found Sup Forums by googling when i read an article about "The Fappening"... Is there a way for you you know who the OP is? I see people claim to be OP all the time but don't know how to tell.

I've gotten so many strange fetishes thanks to Sup Forums.


Not unless OP and you are both using namesync

Why the fuck are people nice in this thread fuck off fucking normies

whatever that means.

Im not really into fur, but i kinda like this picture. Any more like it?

>I can't google namesync Sup Forums
Don't know what to tell you bro

Yeah, T-Key doesn't do porn, he just does cute stuff


I do like the WebM threads in particular. The Rekt threads get me to click... but I tend to skip the ones that make my stomach sick.


aint installing shit for that.

Suit yourself - 4chanX or AppChanX does make for a much better user experience.

Forgot to post a pic

Sucks he doesn't do porn. I like his art style.

I dunno - everyone does porn, I think it's alright having a few characters who are just cute and never out of their undies. But yeah, great style. Think he's working on a proper career, probably doesn't want a load of nudes following him.