Rate my style faggots

Rate my style faggots

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1/10 beta wanna be faggot

Bitch I'm Alpha as fuck

dubs is truth

ready to go into the oven!


so tryhard it gets gay, just have a normal shirt and jeans

Faggot spotted

>dresses and has the posture of a faggot
>calls other people faggots

Tbh the shirt and pants are the least offensive part, those fucking shoes however...

nice shoes... anything else spells faggot

I immediately straightened my posture when i saw this image. Sup Forumsro fix it man, you are developing kyphosis.

Fucking shit. Get your clothes properly fitted and stand the fuck up straight.

Cunt destroyer/10

I Am The One.


if you are on an african safari in the 1930s then your fashion is great.

ee bah goom ye're frum oop t'north, aye?

ecky thoomp!



It's the "How to get your ass beat every day at school" starter pack

Such a waste


I get more pussy than you LMAO

Checked, and if you have to announce that you "get more pussy" than someone, you don't get any at all.

Looks so bad it must be some kind of joke or bait. Hope this is a troll

Nice field jacket, lawrence of gayrabia.

Pic related, it's how a real macho man dresses.


If you study archaeology at cambridge university it's ok I guess.

You look like a fucking twat

Pictures of u

What are yo, some kind of European Nazi?