Femanons: 1) how often do you masturbate, 2) where's the most unusual place you've done it...

Femanons: 1) how often do you masturbate, 2) where's the most unusual place you've done it, and 3) most unusual object you've used to do it

1) at most once a day
2) nevada
3) the stylus of an old DS

4) also what looks better to you, cut or uncut?

nice dubs
2) haha why is nevada unusual?

1) once a year bcs im a doctor and n time to masturbate
2) Only do it in my bedroom
3) only use fingers

>Every 2 or 3 days
>In bed while my Dad sitting on the edge of my bed
>Curling iron

1) 3-4
2) CERN headquarters
3) corner of my desk (see 2)
4) cut/circumcisec

why was your dad sitting on the edge of your bed while you masturbated?

He was in the middle of fixing my drawers

>implying there are females on Sup Forums

I'm a guy but I have a female friend who told me she used to masturbate while sitting at her receptionist desk at work when it was slow. She seriously told me all of her pantyhose had holes in the crotch from it and she did it like 2-3 times a week.

so the large hadron collider's real function is to cause explosive female orgasms?

>every day
>my dad's room
>my dad

how old were you at the time?

how old was she?

Like 15

did he notice at all?

1) almost every 2nd day.
2) in an elevator/hotel lobby
3) a condom over a banana and cucumber

Well he did sometimes turn around and I would stop, and just eventually keep rubbing slightly/slowly

>Large hardon collider

...I'll show myself out

no but my work consists of tension and boredom so i need some relief without distracting others from their daily job

and 5) if don't mind, either tell age, or 5 year span of age (e.g. 20-25, etc.)

very sensible

1) usually every day once a day
2) my places are pretty usual, so i guess.. in the grass outside my relative's house
3) the tip of a rolling pin
4) cut

for 2) what were you wearing, and how old were you?

aaand 5) 18

i was 12 or so. and i dont really remember what i was wearing, a simple tshirt and shorts, i believe

where you masturbating to him or just wanted to masturbate and he was there and that wasn't stopping you?

Lol wasn't masturbating to him! Yeah the second reason but also I liked the rush/slight adrenaline. I've done it more since then around people since that was the first time it happened

1) once every couple of days
2) school in class
3) post of my bed
4) uncut
5) 20

she was either 18 or 19 at the time

on 2) how old in class?


15 or 16 I think. Was around exam time

looking for a fuck partner i live in the area

2) did anyone notice?

all femanons in thread: what age were you when you masturbated most frequently? and what was the frequency?

I was bored and there was a guy I liked in front of me so I just put my hand up my skirt. Didn't cum because I was scared people would definitely notice. I don't cum quietly.

Was horny as hell after it so ran home and finished the job after school.

14, twice a day. Not everyday if I was busy, but usually at night

I bet 90% posting here are faggot boys

13. I had a high sex drive so would masterbate at least twice a day.

Started fucking guys at that age too. Mostly around my age but a couple of guys in their 20s I think. Still into the age difference thing because of it. I like older and younger


>I'm one of them, except not a faggot

1) pretty rarely tbh
2) in the backseat of a car, with parents in front
3) a figurine
4) i'm from europe, everyone is uncut. love seeing a cut dick tho
5) 22-26

not single.

so what's the biggest age difference of a guy you fucked? (and your and his age at the time)

Stylus? How small is your pussy? o.o I am very interested, unless you are 11 years old of course.

Me 13 him 26 (I think). He had a car and a job so I agreed to let him take me a drive. We got some food parked up somewhere quiet to eat it then he just whipped his dick out. I thought fuck it and we had sex in his car.

In terms of younger I've fucked a 16 year old (legal) when I was 22.

pretty big differences, considering the maturity levels usually accompanying those ages. would you fuck a guy like 30 or 40 years older than you now?

Washed up slut

Well I was pretty mature at that age. I am 23 and I would consider up to around 50ish depending on the guy.


-Almost daily
-Port-a-john in Baghdad

that's cool. and I bet the 16 yr old loved it with you

Nice brother.