Hey Sup Forums . I have to take a pre employment drug test soon. Haven't smoked for 3 1/2 weeks...

Hey Sup Forums . I have to take a pre employment drug test soon. Haven't smoked for 3 1/2 weeks. Anyone experience this type of shit before? Am I fucked? CA USA by the way.


If you drink alot of lemon juice 3 days before the test the devices won't be able to detect anything cause of all the acids.
You never hear about it cause they don't want you to know so they put out all these other methods that don't do shit.
4 liters everyday to skew the results.

why not bleach?

Plenty of water, sweat and piss as much of it out also go to a smoke shop and take one of those detox juice or drink a cup of straight vinegar.

You would die from that, that's why.

>4 litres
>lemon juice

Nigga what the fuck. You wanna kill OP. We know he's a fag but still.

I'll swallow some pennies too while I'm at it.

You should be fine
>drink tons of water
don't use the clouding agents they discolor your piss and are a guarenteed fail when they send it to the lab

Also depends on the test tho (hair, saliva swab or piss)

It's easy if you eat alot of salty stuff.

Do lots of exercise to sweat and drink shitloads of water or cranberry juice. Should be golden. It's after 17 days or something that thc levels significantly drop in the body.

There was a thc piss test calculator online that estimated how long you had to wait at one point if you want to look for it . Not sure how accurate it is though

Yep, excactly. And guess why the lemon juice is good? Fits perfectly.

I'd bet it's safe to assume that it's a u.a. test , because everyone knows that it only stays in your hair for a day or two...

Its for an intern position, most likely going to be a urine test. Was reading some shit about if you dilute to take a bunch of multi vitamins to restore the color back. Any certain drinks that will just keep the color and dilute?

I wouldn't consume mass amounts of lemon juice myself I'd assume it has the same effect as spices chicken wings

Bullshit, hair samples can go months back unlike piss or saliva.

on the other hand, drinking 4 litres of lemon juice for multiple days is totally fine

>the problem isn't the fact that it discolor it
The problem is that it is a red flag for them and guarantees them to look into it further.
When the find the clouding agent reguardless if they can find a drug you fail.
Cranberry juice is good as well
If your that worried buy some clean piss or fake piss
>hair follicle and your fucked completely
>urine you should be good
>mouth swab is only traceable by a few days

Of coures it is. I don't know why these anons are freaking out over it.

..... that was the point of my post ... sarcasm and years not months

if you haven't smoked for 3 and a helf weeks you're propably fine, but if you wanna be sure just drink a lot of water and lemon juice

Yeah like a gallon a day

I dont really think that they are gonna use hair test because its more expensive and not very accurate

It's a lot of salts though (mainly Potassium, Magnesium isn't much of a concern), for detox purposes I'd go with urtica tea or just large amounts of water