What does Sup Forums think of my girlfriend

What does Sup Forums think of my girlfriend

think you should post moar


I think she's imaginary.

Kinda plain and seems like she'd be average. Not too crazy, likes reading rather than clubbing or partying, her idea of a vacation is something like Paris rather than a beach or camping.
Into foreign films, doesn't act immature or like most girls her age.
Would make a decent wife.

Post nudes or gtfo

She has a cute face, what about the its / pussy now?

Not imaginary

Nice. How do you look ( do you deserve her )?

>implying that if you look ugly you don't deserve a cute gf

You're a dick

That's why I'm dating her

a 10 in my book.

>ugly man virgin here, so... take it with a grain of salt.

>posting your gf on Sup Forums so strangers can make explicit comments about her appearance

I hope she leaves your ass

Not bad. Flst, but do i smell an italian?

What does it matter what I look like



So was right about her?


Yeah she Italian

How's she look with a dick in her ass?

>avoiding my comment

Can't handle the truth faggot?

So no nudes from her then since she isn't the type.

Just wondering what people thought, didn't want them make explicit comments

How do you think she would feel if she knew you were posting her pic on Sup Forums?

No nudes

Not sure

Op you should respect her, she deserves and you too

Boy you're just so apathetic in all your responses aren't you

What do you want?

I want you to admit you're scum for posting her pic online

your soul

Fine, I'm scum, I'm already regretting the decision

You should be, you're lucky I don't feel like bothering to find her name and facebook or I'd expose your true intentions to her

What do you think my intentions are?

She's pretty gud dude well done, and this comes from a guy that bangs every day with high standards and have multiple gfs since i was 11 WELL DUN

She was pretty good the last time i fucked her

Well she looks nice and normal. By normal I mean she has no sharpie in pooper... Soooo G T F O... Thanks.

Thanks and good work with trips

she looks like a cute girl that is marriage material.

Going to jerk myself off very hard then cum all over a paper towel, then fall asleep.

Fuck up



Thanks man, I hope so

Here is a photo of us

That's actually how the real world Works

Just what I needed to see right now..
>Heart-Break Increases

she looks cute
you look underage

Was going to cum furiously to the bowflex commercial on tv. then I found her face and wanted to cum all over it.

You look like a lesbian couple.

she looks like she hates jews