How do you remove bloodstains from concrete, Sup Forums?

How do you remove bloodstains from concrete, Sup Forums?

> inb4 fiction and falsehood


Spray bottle with hydrofluoric acid. Give it a good scrub and it'll be good as new.

don't work in a chemistry lab. where does one acquire hf

You have to Jack hammer it up and repour. Concrete is so porous blood is already spread throughout the thickness

Just paint over it, jeeze.

Kids these days...

Don't have resources for that, am neet, parent's garage, hav about 8-11 hours before shit hits fan.


The highway patrol around me use cola to get blood stains off the road.

Put coca cola on it
What did you do btw

Cola, and bleach that shit after

Bleach ...

dafuq dat?

Fuck you, I've seen mythbusters.

Call a crime scene clean up company. Ask what enzyme based cleaner they use.

Bleach ..

Fight with dude trying to steal from brother's car. got bad. body, weapon, and clothes are wrapped in 6 mil poly. some blood on garage floor, nowhere else as far as i can tell

Already bleached, scrubbed, dried with heat gun but can still see stain. I think I just spread it around.

Everyone in this thread is a retard...try peroxide...or rent a pressure washer!!!

Ppl know he was here. Too scared to seek outside help. Haven't even googled.

K, will peroxide scrub. Can't afford pressure washer.

Was he nignog?

sure kid. post pics.

Paint thinner
white wine
More blood

What cleaners do you have on hand?

Bleach destroys blood cells, makes it impossible to get dna from

After you clean up. "accidentally" dump dirty motor oil on area.

I'm assuming this is a troll, and this post is theoretical. If you did kill someone, turn yourself into the cops.

Anyways, if I were you, theoretically, if you can't fully get the blood out, cut yourself and bleed over the stains. This gives you at least a weak story at best to explain the stains. Bandage yourself up, leave your phone or anything that has any sort of network connection at your house so if someone pings it, it won't show you moving.


No, abo, but close. Said brother owed him money and he was going to collect by stealing brother's work clothes from his car whle he's in jail.

>All stories are fiction and falsehood

So far I've used bleach and now peroxide. Paint thinner sounds good. Don't have a pretext for spilling motor oil, why would i be changing oil for a car I don't own?

>turn myself in
Fuck no, theoretically I would try to get away with it, probably fail, and rack up additional charges. Fuck it, if it comes down to having to shoot a cop I'll livestream it for you fuckers.

Adding my own blood sounds like a good idea but I can't bleed enough to cover stain without sending myself to hospital.

Have you got washing up liquid or detergents, They might work.

concrete is porous, and its next to impossible to remove a stain, you'd basically have to stain the whole thing with something else. The motor oil guy has a good idea. But the only way to be sure is to jackhammer that shit up into gravel, and re-lay the concrete.

>Source, cut the shit out of my hand one day at school when young (they made us play in the parking lot if it was raining or the ground was wet during recess). Could see the trail of blood I left in that parking lot for a couple years till cars had left enough rubber marks and oil stains to cover it up.

>Also, just stop murdering people.


Use bleach, let it sit for a good hour before wiping it up. Use plenty.

Again, theoretically...

You don't need to bleed enough to cover the stain, just enough to add your dna to the stain for plausible deniability. Plus the cut and/or scar from the cut gives you a weak alibi. Do you normally work on cars? Go to the auto shop, buy yourself an air filter and some spark plugs, and then find a way to cut yourself somewhere on the engine that would leave a gash big enough for the stain. Plus, what 685455026 said about spilling used motor oil on the stain would be a good idea as well to muddy up any leftover dna that isn't yours.

Again, this is all theoretical. I don't condone trying to get away with murder. And this is Sup Forums, which is a giant mindhive of trolls with fake stories. I'm just feeding a troll.

The best you can do is peroxides or hydrochloric acid.

You can get the acid at hardware stores.

If you mask the stain they can still dectect the blood was their, they have a chemical that reacts with the iron, so you need to turn that iron into something else. If use dilute the acid it will seep and "destroy" most of the iron.

dna is really a non issue if the peroxide was involved, it is just evidence of a fight.


Currently waiting for acetone (paint thinner to dry). Next is ammonia and/or whatever detergents I can find laying around. I wish I knew Marcellus Wallace, kek.

I will try to find a pretext for spilling motor oil that doesn't make parents suspicious. As for murdering ppl, I'm not about to let an abo walk off with my big brother's shit.

But then you will dissolve all the concrete

Don't work on cars. at all. I'm a fucking neckbeard tendie eating fucker. And don't want to show up on camera at hardware store buying acid. Maybe I can find a pretext for spilling motor oil, but the fact is I never go in the garage. I only went in there b/c following my brother's "friend"

>thx for feeding the troll, any advice helps.

Besides cola, orange juice, and vinegar, I don't have any acids on hand. I'll try vinegar once paint thinner dries.

Not sure if I want to use ammonia just yet, I already used bleach

Hmmm, it might work, also remove any other evidence of a fight in the location. Put everything in order give it all a bit of a dust down. It will let you get away with it was just somebody cutting themselves

pour bleach on it?

do you have a swamp or sinkhole near you?

Did you try hydrogen peroxide?

You need the Origianl Listerine, amber looking one.. it stops blood form clotting and and clean up dryed up blood.. you gotta keep scrubbing it, soak it up rinse and repeat.

Hydrogen peroxide is the correct answer

how does it look like now?

Any alcohols at around %80 per volume will work as a disinfectant agent. Sodium hydroxide will also help, it is usually found in oven cleaners and drain-o Mop that paint thinner up for christ sakes.

To everybody who says hydrogen peroxide and bleach, stop op has already and, it won't help.

Post timestamps of something wrapped up in the poly. Do it fgt

Waiting for it to dry?! Scrub it man for fucks sake.

how did you kill him?
just pour some oil/paint on it and say you were drunk

>How did you kill him
Mind your fuckin business man, some don't like sharing their stories.

Hot water would work just fine on concrete. I work in a processing plant and that's all we use, comes up a dream at the end of the night. Water destroys red cells.

I'd worry less about the stain, you have to control your actions.

>No change from normal behavior, no sudden purchases of motor oil/acids/peroxide, etc. that doesnt fit within your normal behavior. Find these, a bottle from here, a bottle from there.

>Deny. Deny Deny Deny Deny.

>No change in mood or behavior, keep your regular schedule.

>Biggest thing that gets people caught is themselves, ask any detective. Its hard to pin anything on anyone who hasnt changed their behavior at all. Thats what they look for, a change in behavior that fits their timeline.


>Cold hearted, no emotion, psycho detachment, pass a polygraph even when full of shit kind of thing is what you need.

>Dont lie about your alibi, dont say you were somewhere at a certain time if you werent. Get caught in a lie, you're fucked. You were sleeping ON that concrete at the time in question, and you never heard a thing.

>Ignorance, denial, denial, ignorance, denial etc.