How often do you get dubs?

How often do you get dubs?

n e v e r

I get dubs everytime I post.

are u even trying?

only quads for me

I get dubs in pubs
trips in ships
quads for the mods
flints spark quints

one in ten posts

as often as i like


Every time I post


I get trips

r u kiddin? its like 8 percent change to get dubs u fool

Only plebs get dubs.
I only get trips.

10% of the time


ill get them now... becauz i said so


Only when I need them.


erry post son


Who cares about dubs when trips is what you get every roll

I get dubs whenever I want

these will be my first

I always get dubs

once in a blue moon

so close...

I don't leave a thread till i get dubs

Lol faggot. Let me show you how it's done

Whats dubs? Im new

Off by 2

this is my first too

glorious dubs

when I post porn

sigh, that's just what you get

double dubs nice and checked

This one get thread was fucking mental, every third person got dubs and I got dubs at least 4 times.


where the fuck are her eyes

i once got trips off by one. It was a memorable day tho.

where the dubs at

dub get

Probably once a year but i lurk alot

>How often do you get dubs?

not often enough

boy would you fuck this little vixen?
I sure wood!


I mostly do trips




id fuck this vixen with my dubs


u just got lucky, buddy.

Everytime I don't try to.

Checked. Now check mine.

lol u did it lolholly shit i got it now im not wrecked whooooop
vixens gets dubs

I get trips and only trips

Maybe u just don't know the trick...



check ur 30 pfft check my 63

>Like this

One per 100 posts on average

@@dubs get

Every second post


Every single time.


88 seems to be my theme tonight :s i promise if i get one more 88 fate will allow me to dump my current gfs oc


Fuck you, pal.

lol 88 seems to be a winner tonight

gay as aids


11% of the time.




porn always lands me dubs











The trick is to post black cock along with your post. It's the currency accepted by the administrators, you can bribe them into giving you dubs and trips

i get dubs evri tiem

all the time

Anytime I want

My god


Apparently the admins hate you, you can also bribe them with some classic George though. Works every time.

mmm hard to tell

All the time.

...but only when i say "doobly doos"

doobly doos

I dont like my dubs
