Explain to me if you smoke weed or hash oil why you dont have a nice bong...

Explain to me if you smoke weed or hash oil why you dont have a nice bong? dont you like having nice things in your life?

post pics of your setup

this guy is the newest to the collection, come on guys i know some of you fuckers gotta have nice setups

I only use my bong for dabs and prefer a simple set up. Straight 24 inch tube, ice catcher, flask bottom and clear glass. No percolators, nothing fancy. It's effective and easy to clean

come on guys get in here and post those pieces

dab rigs barely get dirty bro, get a smaller rig, they give you better flavor and dont waste your dabs

That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen.

someone has to have some nice pieces

Do people really care this much about what they smoke out of?

>waste your dabs
Kek, it's not like I'm taking monster dabs and it's not like any of the smoke isn't be pulled into the bong

Small rigs are lame and the 2 feet of ice makes for a nice a smooth hit

Because the once every couple of months that I have time to smoke it, a pipe works fine and is easier to stash afterwards.

I have way more important things to spend money on but still like to get high so i use my shitty pipe

clearly you dont know what a mirror is.

.you shouldnt use ice for an oil rig, just condenses it back into oil faster before it hits your lungs, do you low temp dab?

Then why use ice to smoke weed in a bong? It's going to do the same thing. I have smoked plenty of rigs and nothing is a smooth and easy on the throat as my setup with ice

because i actually know the science behind it
with dabs its purified thc that you are using a nail to vaporize when it hits ice it condenses a lot faster than the thc from your bong smoke, also do you even low temp dab? you have to use a quartz and heat it up then wait 30-45 seconds then take your dab and you cap it...

Best film to watch while high ? I just smoked a blunt rn

Wow you know the science...aka one of the most basic physical chemistry principals ever. Kek. I don't wait that long after heating my nail and dabbing at a lower temp would bring you closer to temps that allow the dab smoke to condense. By your logic I should be dabbing as hot as possible. I thought you knew the "science"?

Everyone I've ever seen with a bong is an elitist faggot. Just smoke the herb and shut the fuck up.

Clockwork Orange

Steel, brass, or glass?

youre uneducated sir let me inform you, dabs have a sweet spot temp range, where certain tastes and flavors get preserved best.and if you wait just long enough you can get a perfect hit, clearly it doesnt vaporize all the oil, some of this is sucked into the nail and the rest you have to clean off with a q tip afterwards, you waste virtually nothing and keep your nail clean fresh hits every time bro.


So wait, I should let my nail cool some so that some compounds don't get combusted and you are bitching because I use ice which would cause those same compounds to phase change (gas to solid) and stick to the side of my bong? And you are calling me uneducated? I thought you knew the science Sup Forumsro

Pro-tip: I have multiple degrees in chemistry


douchebags do

No, you really don't.

I use papers and weed isn't a big enough part of my life to invest in a bong. If I really want a cleaner smoke I'll throw in with some friends and smoke from their bong or flight box

I like your lack of counter argument and Yes I do.

I don't care if you don't believe me because that doesn't change that I do have them.

i think that looks bad ass, did you make it? where di you get it?