So heres something really fucked up:

So heres something really fucked up:

>be me
>be smoking weed with a bunch of other guys
>zone out
>wake up in the emergency room
>wake up with tubes in your mouth going all the way down your throat
>be hooked up to a heart monitor
>get nervous because idk what the fuck is going on
>nurse hears heart monitor beating fast and comes in to restrain me
>doctor comes in an explains that I was poisoned with some long and complicated toxic chemical name
>system entirely flushed
>police come in the next day because my other friend said I poisoned him (he was in the other wing of the hospital), two more are in different hospitals
>i tell the officer idk what was in the weed
>police tell me hes paralyzed cuz the shit damaged his neurosystem or something
>police dont believe me
>look very suspicious
>i spend the next six days in the hospital
>i get out
>whole world thinks i poisoned my friends
Wtf is wrong with people?

If what you say is true, then why the fuck would you poison yourself as well as your friends? That makes no fucking sense, jesus people are fucking stupid.

Fur real man


Fur fuck yeah! Purrrrfect

What was the substance? You didn't ask the doctors again?
>complicated toxic chemical name
Are you serious?

something doesnt add up here

which leads me to believe this is crappy bait.

if not, then tell us the diagnose OP. Intoxicated by what? what do the hospital papers say

what kind of fucking weed were you smoking that cause this to happen? Cause weed does not do that. Fucking idiot.

I call bullshit, Timestamp with your hospital papers

if OP fails to deliver, thread is shit bait

Shieeet you fucked up breh. You got caught and Yo friend is a snitch. You better go back and finish the job.

Are you op from last thread with mouldy weed? I told you, I told you.


not unless it was laced with something delicious


could moldy weed do that?


this didnt happen

does that happen to u if u eat bread or fruit with mold?
of course not, dont d an idiot.

Sounds like you got some good ol' angel dust m8

The only one that I can do to get a new thread in a couple days and then you will have a good day please see the attachment for your help with this is the same as a whole new world of the time of year to date with all of your website on top and the rest is history of my favorite of all of your website on top and the rest is just the same time I am a bit of time and I am so glad that I can do to get a new thread in a couple days and then you will have a good day please see the attachment for your time to time but it was the only one that I can do to get a new thread in a couple days and then you will have a good day please see the attachment for your help with this is a great weekend too many bad for you and I am a bit of time and I am so glad that I have to do with it and it was the only one that I have to do with

Talk to a lawyer, right away. Especially if you're being slandered.

Furthermore there is no reason why you should've talked to an officer.

This officer knew you were poisoned. He walked in anyways and berated you about poisoning your friend. It never occurred to him why someone would also poison themselves.

You got wet. Someone dusted your weed.
This is why weed needs to be legalized and regulated. Either don't smoke weed, grow your own or be damn sure you know where your shit comes from.

I don't smoke my bread or my fruit

na it just tastes like shit and gives u a headache, kinda like smoking stems.

Im sure if you smokes pounds of it something in ur respiratory would get pissed off eventually

Drugs are for DEGENERATES

This. Ask the doctors for more specific information.

Don't be passive about this. This isn't high school detention, this is real life, and if an officer just berated you after you were just poisoned and if people think you have poisoned your friend, you need to talk to a lawyer.

You messed up once by already talking to an officer.


stop quoting movies and shit this doesnt fucking happen you stupid fucking try-to-be-cool nigger



don't use the devil's cabage

It literally does happen. The shit happened to me before.


OP, where's proof? You lied on the internet didn't you?

fucking low level pleb not smoking moldy fruit bread for days fucking whacked out legends man, fucking legend. try it, try it.

captcha click the milkshakes

How about we all leave this thread on the note that potheads are scumbags... ever last one of them

dude you sounds like a super fun guy to be around!!! lol fucking faggot

Phencyclidine ring a bell?

Are you thirteen


>Can't remember toxin name
You would if it was done to you
>Damaged my friends neurosystem or something
or "something", nice lack of detail. Again, if this were real, you'd remember it
>whole world thinks i poisoned my friends
And the whole of this thread thinks you're a cunt. Go get a better story.


Nice observation, definitely the same faggot.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

There isn't such thing as degeneracy. All ways of life are acceptable except for when you're doing something strictly illegal.

The news would be all over this. Any reports?

>nice lack of detail
Well hes a stoner, wgmhat do you expect? Hes not writing for the nobel priz3, did you ever consider that you fucking faggot. Cut the kid a break, he was poisoned, its not my fault mommy and daddy bought you the golden hash while this guy gets fucked by the dumpster plant

lol this faggot and all his faggot friends got roofied and ass raped and woke up with bleedy sore anuses. lololol woke up with tubes in in ass hole!

I bet the weed OP was smoking was spiked with JWH-18 or similar shit.


of course you poisened us youshithead. im going to sue you. fucking asshole.

Lol you're pretty mad tho.

As if fucking with your best buddies in asshole is something bad.

Underage b&

Go get some world experience and stop voting for Bernie you twat

No it doesn't. It serves no purpose. The only people that would are hardcore addicts that would smoke it all up themselves. I mean really "let me take this set amount of drugs at a set price add more drugs that will ensure no repeat business and sell it for the same price"

>ever last one of them


I see 2 reasonable explanations, one, OP smoked some synthetic cannabinoid that was terrible or OP is just a giant fag that is making this up.

I'm voting for the latter.

>dem kidz iz fagotz

Youre an idiot.
They lace it so theres less marijuana and more synthetic and you can sell less weed for the same price.
Its exactly what mcdonalds does with its beef pattys where theres only one subatomic particle of beef and the rest is synthetic meat filler radioactive shit cooked in someones toilet

>not lacing your competitors product to steer business to your district.

The reason you think it doesn't happen is because you're thinking of the wrong scenario.

This is a common problem in the nightclub/festival etc scene. People will hang around near clubs and in busy city centres and they call out to people as they walk by. Some kids will approach, pay £20 for a bag and then go smoke it with their equally unexperienced friends. The guy cuts it with other shit to pack out the bag, the kids get fucked over.

He isn't expecting repeat business because these kids are going home the next day. All he cares about is that easy £20 he just made from selling something that was partly weed.

Hospital papers


Drugfag here. When I sell coke to repeat customers I don't fuck with it. However, if I'm going to a festival or a rave, of course I'm gonna cut it. These people will never, ever see me again.

Opz a faggut
Weed iz gud
Idk wut ever1 else iz taking bout

or some psychopath put chemicals in their weed for the lulz. but yes op is a giant fag we all agree


>feel the bun

yes but when you cut weed you don't put fucking chemicals in it. don't know for america but in europe, worst thing you can get in your weed is tiny bits of glass

So the kids walking around with a scale in this scenario? The amount of weight added is completely negligible and can be more cheaply accomplished by either just straight up shorting them or using something that doesn't cost as much as more drugs. You can add water weight to weed by leaving it with done fruit for fucks sake

I believe you didn't poison your friends, user. That's bullshit.


Right. I'm not saying dig dealers aren't trying to screw you or if money. But what do you cut it with? More powerful drugs it something cheap like talcum powder?

from all things u can use to cut it with, why would someone use posion instead of something else

and why care? its not like peeps at nightclubs, etc have scales on them

if there something weird in ur weed, u notice inmediately.

I never mentioned weight, I said pack out the bag. Make it feel bulkier, like it actually has £20 worth of content inside. I get you might not think this happens, but I live in an area of London where there are many bars and clubs in a small area and the amount of incidents in this area due to tainted drugs is no small thing.

YOU wouldn't put chemicals in them, but the people who want the fast cash will do almost anything. If you're an unsuspecting tourist or unexperienced drug user, you're naive. You'll take almost anything. The dealer who is selling this will usually have friends selling the same stuff nearby, so these guys have to share a lot of actual weed amongst themselves and then top their bags up with whatever they can get to make it seem more appealing.

Read >if there something weird in ur weed, u notice inmediately.
Yes, if you're experienced and generally know what to look for. But to unexperienced party/tourist people, you probably won't realise until you've smoked it. As long as it smells like weed, people smoke it.

ya literally no one will sell you cut weed in the US, its a myth unless your friends are literally human trash or something, at worst you might find herbal blends that are synthetic cannabiniods but that is practically a different group of drugs under the same umbrella.


Everyone is a degenerate. I'm more concerned about the people who appear "normal" out there. They are usually the ones hiding some really dark shit.

>why the fuck would you poison yourself as well as your friends

Same reason why people sell drywall and call it crack.
I want your money, you will give it me for this bag that you think is X drug and then you don't ever see me again. When you buy coke, chances are it's not pure coke, ever. Unless you live in columbia and buy coke paste. Even then it's some percentage of other shit.
People can do the same to weed. Take out a little weed, beef it up with some spice (sometimes literally) and you've now sold less weed for the same price, leaving leftover weed to sell to another fool.

>with whatever they can get to make it seem more appealing.
yeah but chemicals are irrelevant in this case, as i said people can put glass to make the weed sparkle a bit, vegetals or even wax but chemicals won't make it bigger or prettier. anyway OP is a fag and has probably never smoked of his life

> will do almost anything

Exactly. So why bother with obtaining harsh chemicals when water accomplished the same thing.

Most wouldn't even go that far because again they would just take a nug out.

>I have weak dirt weed no one wants to buy
>Add something
>now I have strong weed
You're also assuming that the average weed dealer makes sound decisions

People like you need to have all of your friends and family die from accidents and disease, get depressed and lonely, and kill yourselves in your rotted out home. You are worth nothing.

My nigger

You guys are being pretty dense here.

I get the idea you seem to think that by chemicals, you just think they're spraying something on the weed or throwing in a toxic powder. They will add plastic, they will add painted solids, they will add whatever they can. These solids they mix in are either coated in, or made from toxic components. When smoked and ingested, this is not good for your body. I'm not saying these guys go out of their way to intentionally poison someone with some actual poison. It's just the substitutes they use were made from, or were treated with some form of toxin that was never meant to be ingested by a human.

Just look at what happened in Amsterdam recently, where dealers were advertising Coke to tourists but were actually selling them a form of cheaper Heroine, which left quite a few people in hospital.

You underestimate the lengths people will go to to make quick cash. They don't give a shit about your health.

Exactly the reason why I do pills.

They spray liquified glass on weed in the U.K. To make it feel heavier. Strongest weed this Ausfag has smoked though so I ain't arguin

Some people do, some people don't. Not everyone that wants to fuck their customers over is going to lace it with bad stuff. People do legitimately throw in Oregano to their bags.

As if he wasn't a nigger before he puffed all night long as he takes hits from the bong.

well you're right, but plastic in weed really ? i've already seen that in hash, but in weed that's kinda bold

are you this fucking retarded