Ruin a first date in 4 words

Ruin a first date in 4 words.

my ex was hotter.

OP isn't a fag

Do you do anal?

I voted for Trump

What's your favorite anime?

your ex was hotter

You should wear makeup.

do you play games

Boner hiding apparatus here

You wanna get married?

I forgot my wallet at home :(

Mind if I vape?

Let's browse Sup Forums together

Did you just cum?!

It is my privilege.

I post on Sup Forums

Your dick is out

I am a Brony

I like anal sex

I have a kid

pink cardamon dish vaccine

I'm still a virgin

You look like mom

Good one

When did Sup Forums become Jacksfilms?

Desu desu desu desu

I fucked your sister

You look like shit.

I collect toenail clippings

How much an hour?

Toss my salad, cunt.

do you like furries

I'll use body language and slap my cock on the table.

do you like mudkips

I'm below six inches

Hitler did nothing wrong

I need a shit

Don't you love abortion?


I fucked your sister.

That's 5

I love you mom

Do you know Sup Forums?


i don't have money :v

Premature ejaculation cumming in--ooohh

See? Exactly like jacksfilms

Jet fuel steel beams

"I ruined first date"

check these dubs faggot

Oh meet my ex.

sieg heil mein furher


you are fucking ugly
check your fucking privlidge
you're a stupid cunt
fucking leave me alone
you must be retarded
what are your diagnosis'?
know your family history?
lets go exercise instead

Dad, that's too hard

I am a Sup Forumstard

My sides have reached the end of the observable universe

Hey, wanna.. Do it?

Your sister was better

nigger nigger double nigger

Here come dat boi


Who was phone?


You like anal, right?

Seriously, that ones 50/50. They either stay and want to weird stuff or they fuck off. It's kind of a win actually.

No traps aren't gay.

Pursuant to Megan's Law...

Correct, balls aren't touching.

I usually visit Sup Forums

Refugees welcome in

Liking Femcock isn't gay

Forehead joke, light switch.

you look like mother

Do you like MLP?

Frog riding a unicycle


I'm pregnant, it's yours.

I worship black cock.

Best reply and I'm the first to acknowledge it.

Sup Forums has failed

Are you that needy for attention you fucking samefag?

i'm a nice guy

I'll fart right now


is that my wife?

I love rape culture

Do you like CP?

I have anime pillow

Single father here, can confirm. Especially if I go for the younger ones.

That's why you pick up whores

Trotsky was actually right

"I can not count."

Do you watch YIAY?

I have an STD

I like to yiff

I fucked your sister.

That's five

I am a fullonrapist

i hope you swallow

I like to vape