Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Ekko?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Ekko?

I hate time niggers

Xin main since season 1

Do you gank or dragon first?

Why not play a game that requires skill? Vainglory, it's a 3v3 MOBA.

It's a fucking phone game. Get out.

Because I'm not a faggot, who plays fag overpowered characters because Riot doesn't know how to design and their first rule of champ design is "there is no such thing as power creep"


cus i prefer ranged champs
i main lux, jinx, morg and like 5 more

>poorfag doesn't have a phone/tablet that can handle it
I'm sorry you're a 15yo with your mommy's hand-me-down technology.

Yasuo for life

>playing any MOBA

You're either underage or struggling with crippling autism.

>playing a MOBA on a phone
Is this a joke?

Ekko shits on Yasuo.

I main ekko and yasuo
Ekko is a sand nigger

Ekko can suck my Cheetos crusted dick. Urgots the best.

>When was my first champion
>Never played anyone else in ranked games
>Shen is love shen is live

I quit this stupid game anyway, to many faggots whith no imagination, and cry babies who get depressed after calling them idiots.

cus he is a fucking nigger, kek

Not if you can stop his timewinder with your windwall and use your dash to go through his aoe stun. Other than that, yeah, Ekko has higher dps but if yas plays safe, he can get Ekko around the 10 minute mark in a 1v1


>thinks a phone/tablet is any different from a desktop
The average smartphone has 4GB of RAM, which is more than enough to play LoL on desktop, and the same amount as what most of you faggots have in your PCs. The only difference anymore is the touchscreen, and touchscreens are better for MOBAs than mouse and keyboard.

You can just admit that you can't afford a real phone, most autistics live off the government.


Go home. No one wants to play a mobile game.


10/10 for bard, 5/10 for teems, 0/10 for yi. So 5/10 total. Not bad, not bad.

With Devourer gone do you gank lanes earlier?

ekko isnt op i play diana and i still one shot him as soon as i land that q we both know he is fucked

only if its an easy gank

But if played Vainglory, you could play the game on your middle school instead of actually paying attention in class. We both know you'll be flipping patties your whole life, why not have fun during school hours?

>Autism: The Thread.

I tried it when it came out, didn't like the jungling. Go home.

Aspie children just lap this faggot LoL shit right up.


>Implying you play for 2-4 years
>Still in D4

I bet you get carried a lot


>no juicy moobs
>no hook
>no cockney accent

Pudge can't handle this much style.

u w0t m8?


Wait but that's clearly not blitzcrank. Checkmate.

I dont play League of faggots as i respect my own time and energy. i would rather get aids than play this abortion of a game. kill yourself you worthless faggot.

>pic related, its every LoL players Favourite thing to eat.

i think you forgot the pic bruv.

I dont play champions that can build 1 damage item and still 1 shot an ADC. Ekko sure is balanced.

This is why you will never climb. I might sound like the devil's advocate here, but when Riot gives you something unbalanced you ABUSE the hell out of it. Fuck playing "fair".

Smite frog, wolves, blue, smite red, wraiths, smite stun golems, gank mid, B. Get sabre, 2 pots kill and, dragon with bot.

I haven't played since the new dragons came out. Too busy taming Dinos on ARK.

League of lesbians.
Only played by autists

>not playing WW the god.

I mean its not fun, like im not even trying to be a faggot. Its really just not fun to play champions that are broken. Why play if you arent gonna have fun sure i mean climbing is important but im gonna be stuck in gold 3 - 1 for the rest of my life.

>playing WW unironically

WW is the easiest win possible literally no downsides if built right

what i do : Smite frog, blue, smite red, wraits and wolves, gank pushed lane, back, smite golems, gank bot, get drag

That's because with Bloodrazor you can build on-hit WW and cheese the world

im in a champ select rn and u made me want to play WW

Talon, the true Alpha champion.
>being able to delete an adc in literally 0.2s.


Rengo, annie, zed, fizz

Well ekko is my main so screw you OP

Most people below challenger play to the meta, unless they're a OTP. It might be a few select champions, in might be a build path. I didn't climb all the way to plat playing my favorite champ, Jayce. I did it with raid boss Darius when the juggernaut reworks came out.

That's bad why? Hes fun to play and RB works well with his Q, BR and the adc keystone, forgot its name.

Because ekko is a bad support

Forgot the fucking pic

A friend of mine is maining jayce and got to dia 1

because he's banned every game

Remember every camp/kill/Lane creep is for you

That's because he's probably good. I suck with Jayce.

Kek, yes he is like a asian

I main tryndamere :-)

I completely agree that he's fun and easy win I just think he's a brain dead point and click champ. Still have mastery 5 tho

poppy and because i like football

what to max on ww

W if building damage


Retarded game, hero concept the same as any melee AP damage dealer in the game and the ult is the exact copy of weaver's ult from dota, only that LoL-players are too retarded to remember where they've been 4 sec (or whatever time length) ago so they need a graphically pathetic figure to show them.

His hp doesn't fall to 0 anymore does it? I don't remember.

Cause i lile playing a non pay to win game.

Thresh main here

Click the lantern you fucking retarded niggers

jesus christ you sound like a massively entitled faggot. Get out. This place isn't for your kind.

Bard, Braum, Alistar, Thresh, Leona.
Because I play support

im 2-0-1 rn early should i go dmg to snowball?

show him your master tier badge then faggot.

build stereks first then build whatever damage you want

lol not W, Q is the best and yeah blade of ruined king is pretty on ww early pick up wits end too

Because he is a fucking nigger

wtf is dota? is the bad copypasta of lol?

a nigger that wins games

kha' zix, shaco, graves, diana,

AP Alistar >.>

tfw I want to play URF all day but have to go to my niece's birthday party :(

You might wanna look that up on wikipedia, mate.

Also, how can the "copied" be SO much more complex and have that many more ideas and concepts? E.g. controllable neutrals/minions, juke spots inside trees, denying creeps/towers, differing hero concepts actually.

except ekko does large aoe damage all around where he returns. Besides, it wouldn't be the 1st time that another moba used an ability from another.


You must hate HoN.

Does maining lux make me a fag? I wasnt thinking about it when i started playing her

something something killing machine with the right items


Post what?

the warwick copypasta

Ahri because I'm a disgusting furry

Papa kenchu main here, no greater feeling than people thanking you when they are about to die but you swallow em out of trouble

I played HoN until it went down the shit-street so hard i couldn't deny anymore that dota 2 was the better game. No idea what's up with it today, but i watch the best plays of the week from time to time and it's just bursty heroes bursting others. That's retarded.

Yeah, ekko HAS to deal dmg, because EVERYTHING in LoL has to deal damage. Since every hero has the same skillset (more or less) heroes with less damage can't compete(except hard supports ofc, but even those deal damage with almost every skill). That's part of the problem.

Name one character from ANY moba that doesn't deal damage.

Just won the game, went 12-3-10 on ww and got an S

Witch doctor has exactly ONE skill that deals direct damage. Enigma has ONE skill that deals considerate damage in an AoE and that's damage over time.

Omniknight has one skill to deal damage, wisp has one skill. Is that enough?