I like to suck cock

I like to suck cock.


well, you are OP after all

Summer must truly be here.

You love that .jpg.....and You love to suck cock........I hope You're a chick?????

no silly goose. Im a dude


You don't like my music?

Anyone else like to suck dick like I do?


I'm only going to ask eight more times.

I did some navvy job,got sunburned.I got enough outdoor activity today.

FFS we know, Trevor! Now go to bed!

You didn't answer my question.

You like the cock in your mouth?

Your mouth must be full.

Post some pics of women that do. That might help.

Nope. This is for non-gay guys sucking dicks. I got plenty of pics

more and more men seem to be sucking dick. you're not alone.

Of real women?

Mostly feminine wieners.


Forget it