Everyone on here is fucking racist and it gets old quick

Everyone on here is fucking racist and it gets old quick.
call me and my boys niggers all you want but this is what we do to your women while you're at work.
And they ask for it, BEG, they want to know what it's like to be fucked by a real man with a superier seed and a cock

Other urls found in this thread:


that's the same nigga from dis vid


Yeah well I fucked his mammy so now we're even

Tired of white kids pretending to be nig nog threads, come up with better bait already

Except that apparently, you have a cock less than 7 inches... retarded apes

that is simply not true

You think she fucks blacks?

If this happens while I'm at work, what's the guy's job? Does he work during night time?

stop responding to this shit and they'll stop.

When I saw that, I thought "an actual nigger post", silly subhuman.

Says the racist spreading lies

suck it little dick

i know

SUUUUUPER FAKE. look at the skin line around his "dick" and "balls".

Hitler did nothing wrong. Fucking nigger

post moar of her


Niggers don't work

>better in every way
Except for the no job, no credit and no money part, right?

your still a nigger.

That's a rubber band fucknut.