Tell me your best

Tell me your best

I am independently wealthy.

i am filthy rich

I only have white, rich, hung, need a fourth

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

>Make me a sanwhich
>wash the fucking dishes
>clean the fucking house

Make me a sandwich

Can't stump the Trump

I don't do Anal

im cumming inside you

more pls

You wan sum fuk?

>asks about women
>posts a sheboon and a nigger pic

"use my card, baby"

That wasn't my wallet.

I'm wearing a condom

"I'm finally off probation"

I like your dick

I fixed the sink

I have terminal cancer.

You're my favorite side-bitch

You taste like grandma


im pregnant

I fucked your mom.

I kept the receipt

fourth is ninja.

You pick dinner tonight.

Guess what, chicken butt

Tongue punch fart box?

"Do you wanna bet?"

This shit here helps you converse with her even more.

Good luck /bros/

I support Donald Trump

Check out these dubs.

But who was phone

succ me bb pls

I fucked your mom

I watch zebra porn.

give me the suck

Heres your Child Support

>U want sum fuck?

i browse Sup Forums daily


"tum muhfugen bix nood"

Fifteen dollars beaucoup money


Bush did seven eleven


This smell like chloroform?

George Dubdubya Bush

niggers tongue my anus

My cock sprays money

shhhh ,, let it happen

I positive for everything

mission report december 16 1991

"Cuck me with bbc."

I am the father

I accidentally inside again

Hitler did nothing wrong

Yes, I eat pussy.

make me a sandwich.

Nigger, check these dubs.

Gas the greedy kikes

Taylor Swift is ugly.

"Mission report, december 16"

ooga booga muh dik

bix nood muh fugga

fuk da po leece

Post humans next time.

That'll be tree fiddy.

around blacks, never relax

"You... you... DOUBLE NIGGER"

i collect rare pepes


i collect rare bois

my cock's an alligator

>You taste like grandma


My dick is huge


i'm black and rich


white rich hung good-looking

oh shit wuddup!

Omelete de fromage

Oh shit wat up

OP is a faggot

I've got some blow

here come dat boi

im going in dry

booty, meat, dingle, sack

Live long King Trump

Don't worry, it's circumcised.

Your mom can watch

Let's go dildo shopping!


whats your favorite anime?

AIDS test is negative

i faked the orgasm

Let's watch some PewDiePie

Sorry to hear that user :/ hope you beat it somehow.

This is Whitney Wisconsin.

make amiriac gret again

I slipped it in

(Here comes dat boi)