About to kill myself, any tips on how to do it

about to kill myself, any tips on how to do it

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Die of old age.

if you have a garage, and want to die painlessly than lock yourself in the car in the garage while the car is on on

Think it through, will your family miss you? dont be a coward, life sucks for everyone at times. Man the fuck up

don't seek help man. don't die on me bro

Boil Walter and burn yourself

so you came here to ask what exactly?

>implying diving headfirst into the unknown is cowardly
gtfo loser

Drop hanging. Weigh yourself and see table of drops

One off, I deserve a second chance.

Get help man, suicidal thought are an illness.

sit on the first page and listen to the cancerous song.

what kind of retarded visions do you have exactly?

Just don't pussy out you fucking retard. DO IT. What you are doing now is ATTENTION seeking like a fucking pussy faggot. GO KILL YOURSELF already.


>what is this song even about? where did it came from? did i miss smth.

OD on heroin. Ive done it but they fuckin revived me. It was blissful!!

OP is an attention seeking pussy

Tie you legs and neck together and wait until u suffocate


Go outside

A gift before you go OP

Stream it on Periscope, building jump or bullet through the brain

Smoke a bunch of weed, listen to some music. Then reconsider

me too ;_;

I'd say shoot yourself, it's the most painless, if you don't have a gun you should hang yourself. Or you could man up, cut your wrists, and bear the pain


from smoking

Masturbate 17 times in a row

do it s l o w l y