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Does anyone actually have footage of an erect dick being cut?
I've always wondered how much blood would come out.

why don't you try it yourself?

here u go u sick motherfuckers

This might be hard to understand but I'd actually like to keep my Dick.


I wish my garage was that neat and clean.


Try looking at this for more than 10 seconds

Did it.


please fix this




Sup Forums went too far

You monster.


think of the children

Faggots have dicks


what the fuck

those seams make it look like she's wearing them inside out



What is the red thing that falls on the left ?

why is this guy naked


the guy just wanted to be eaten by the lions in the zoo , btw this happen only a few hours ago in Chile.

In that country murder people who like Urobuchi`s shows in that form

is he dead?

No... they shoot the lions before they kill the guy .

part of the crane that collapsed.

I hope this guy will be fine.
He should be treated in a psychiatric facility.

Fuck it, they should have shot the stupid nigger.
There are fucking billions of people in the world and hardly any lions.

damn so they shot the lions and the guy

brutal workingplace

They shouldve let them eat him

who cares about some stupid ass useless lions.
Human life is much more valuable than any other life on this planet.

Fantastic result :))) Adrenalin would have given that scum sucker the legs to run, before he bled out.

Why don't you go get eaten by lions, one less dipshit in the world

Humankind as a whole is useful, not some pointless cunt who wants to suicide
Read the god damn news. he fell into the pit because he wanted to due

and your mom should have aborted you, I heard she got rapped by a nigger

>not hooking up your wires to the underside of the desk
You fags deserve this

He did this because he's sick.
The only humane way to resolve this problem is to fix him up.

Just kill the stupid browno

That the best you can do? Try a little harder 44 year old virgin

and killing lions is a "humane" way, huh

I think that post was ironic, humanity is fucking trash as a whole and a bane to this planet

A lion's life is worth arguably more than some shitskin

fake and gay


we need more youtube rekts

Considering the fact they're artificially kept alive in the zoo yes, it's humane.
We are the masters of this planet and we decide what's humane or what's not.

The definition of humane is "having or showing compassion or benevolence"
Humans are undoubtedly superior but if your argument is we should control each and very species, I have nothing to say

I can't stop watching it!!



confirm please

its a headphone cable you fag

Guy looks white, as much as I like Lions, whites are more important than big cats

Holy shit
Wasnt expecting that


>this guy stole bread

Jesus it's good to be a man in this world.
I'd have beat the fuck out of my dad if he tried that shit when I was 16


I hook my headphone cables up to the underside of the desk



Well, that escalated quickly. Looks like Thailand?

Guy looked white

I need the webm of the chair moving around getting the cord all bound up in the caster. Thanks.

Damn right, ain't no nigga stealing my bread.



Take this off wtf


is alive but just barely...
he left a suicide note .

English Motherfucker, source a english version

Like hyenas to a corpse they run to rob the dead

here you go, melord

shame on you not pulling him up on
>rapped by a nigga
fiddy goin lyrical on her ass

She deserved that...

how new senpaitachi?

you dumb fuck

kek that guy at the bottom right in the end

That guy should be charged for endangering the zookeepers as well as some kind of punishment for the death of the lions that HE caused. What a fucking retard, he should have succeeded in his faggot suicide attempt.

Im not even going to post that too graphic for me to even look at

get some rekt please

Raah, fucking skengman


Holy shit!
Wasn't expecting that!

dont push people then


