I snapped Sup Forums, so here is the deal

I snapped Sup Forums, so here is the deal.

I will do exactly what you say, with only three rules:

-I cant hurt myself or my property (I can force others to do so tho)

-You must tell me what to do exactly and step by step

-I must maintain the contact with the thread somehow, and you must be able to check what I did, somehow

Here is what I have:

An operative old Smartphone (Samsung scl)
A 70 cm machete
A 20 cm knife
Several bottles
A circular saw
Some money (1000 € or about 1200 usd)
An old car (Ford ka)
My computer

Doubles decide. Be creative.

Pic related, is my arm the last time I was in this situation. This time will be a bit different.

I dont care about your shit fuckers, I know you are a bunch of degenerates so have fun and give me a funny death.


buy some instant kraft mac n cheese and have a delicious lunch

its 23 PM here

Take the circular saw and make your car a convertible. Then Thelma and Louise your sad ass into a canyon.

pour gasoline in a bottle, light it on fire, and burn 500€

I will do exactly what you say, with only three rules:

1. I cant hurt myself or my property (I can force others to do so tho)

Learn to read faggot. Also, I am not sad. I just dont care anymore.

oh shit nigger, check em

Can you read the original post?

>I cant hurt myself or my property (I can force others to do so tho)

You wasted the doubles cunt. Go away.

this thread fuckin sucks

Go out of your house and start screaming like a crazy old man

Fine then, do everything I said but instead jump your sad ass out of the car at the last second.

Take your car and act like a nigger

You are making it suck not following the rules.

Kill the blacks

No. I can rob a car if you wish, but as I said, I am not destroying my property.

You must tell me how to rob it tho, and following rule 3, you must tell me how to use my smartphone as a webcam.

pay your neighbor $100 to punch you in the face

using your computer, go to club penguin. play for 4 hours, then unscrew yout computer and use gasoline for liquid cooling. post pics

go somewhere quiet enough so you won't get gunned/wrestled down before you even start, but populated enough for this to work

drive your car to the chosen place

get out and find a guy who must be BIGGER than you and look athletic

threaten him with the machete

demand he perform 'milkshake' by kelis while you film it

upload it for us all to laugh at

place down the machete so you are no unarmed


put up Christmas decorations now and take them down when December hits

1. set up a live feed.
2. start a fire outside your house with the gasoline and some newspapers. as large as possible.
3. call the cops. tell them you saw someone at your address stuff a body in a dustbin and set it alight. sound sacred. say the guy has a machete and threatened you
4. get naked
5. smear tomato sauce all over yourself and the machete
6. wait for cops
7. when they arrive, run at them with the machete in the one hand and the knife in the other.
8. profit

Throw a molotov at something......but too important like a a nearby huge bin or something....just to see the reaction of people

Use the tools and money to create a death machine out of that shitty car. Drive to a rough area and attach yourself like in the pic with the keys in the ignition. Whoever takes the car does whatever they want.

Try this then. Do everything I said with someone else's car. Steal said car by walking around until you find an unlocked car with keys in the ignition. And as for us knowing what you did, just call in a bomb threat to multiple locations. That will make the news my nig.


nice one. I will reroll for this myself.

Calm down, take a nap :) why would you even do something stupid? Think about ppl here... They don't give a single fuck.

threaten citizen with machete. then throw machete at them and tell them to cut your dick off.

you said you dont care and others can hurt you. so prove it.

OP deliver

dress up like a medieval knight/ crusader and burn down the nearest mosque while holding up the machete and screaming deus vult!

Smoke some weed and listen to some music so that you don't make everyone else's lives shit just because your life is pathetic. Post timestamp.

>sound sacred

o h d a m n
party's over boys

Do you guys know about insecam? It can be useful

rolling for this

Give 1 dollar for every person that passes you.

Pour gasoline into bottles, 1/4 full.
Pour the rest on the car'
Stab legs with screwdrivers
use circular saw to cut off arm
sprinkle money on top of wounds
call your version of '911', keep them on phone
drive as fast as you can get your shitty car up to, into a wall

Rolling for Dubs I say, you should fuck some lady boys. Seems like that enough money for some lady men hookers.

I think he met "screwed" user


You fucking suck man... I wanted to do something stupid because I dont fucking care anymore.

Okay, we had a deal.

1. take a step back
2. contemplate how edgy you're being
3. stop attention seeking

provide proof that you did all this

First time im actually being nice on fagchan... It's funny reading this stupid shit u fucks write. And no, im not a newfag. And yes, i wrote the dubs com


You fucks always crush hopes, yet here I am. So we all pretend this is real for an hour, then op posts some dumb shit, and there ya go. Blah.

Give your money to a stranger then burn your neighbors house down

Spend all the money on cocain and LSD.
Take LSD and a good line of coke and go fuck a hooker.
record video as proof

Burn money with gasoline


at least an edgelord wannabe faggot who will never deliver anything at all in any shape or form that would prove anything. he is entetaining himself with this post and it will serve no purpose except to waste all of your time.

roodypoo candyass

Nice quads retard

Also rape the neighbors before you burn it down


Drive over black stupid nigger apes in ur car. Post results. Everyone will enjoy the sight of such retarded ppl dead on the street. For good OP


Its actually my fault for trying to make you guys have some fun. How I am being edgy or seeking for attention? I didnt even tell you what is going on in my life.

Just so you know, I was actually serious about this, you could have had your happening, and instead, you choosed to be nice for one time. So I guess Sup Forums is always what it doesnt has to be.

Go outside...naked

Theres about a 99% chance you are correct, but I still lurk for that rare 1% when OP actually does something fucking crazy.

Rolling for rape

Donate that money to the refugees

see my point people?
countless great suggestions and still not delivering but instead trying to talk about retarded shit. talk is cheap and you are a fucking pussy. walk the walk dont just talk it assfuck roodypoo

Rape a moose

This. Op is a fag

Shut the fuck up retard, go complain elsewhere or tell your mum, nobody asked your opinion.

Winrar. Have fun finding a moose

Sharpie swastika on forehead. Shave Hitler moostash. Sharpie if u don't have hairlip. Let's go outside for a walk.

Deliver what? First doubles was this

I am going to bed now. Bye.

Here we go baby, if not moose, then niggr retarded ape. Also, kill him and slice his throat

Come on man! Where da fuck he gonna find a goddam motherfuckin moose nigga foo!




Shave Hitler moustache on cock and lip. Sharpie swastika on forehead and cock. We go to nonwhite hoods now.

cut a small puppy starting from its paws up

Go for a walk and rape the first woman you see

How about stop being a faggot

>Honest request, doesn't break single rule

put a finger up in your butt OP cause you're a faggot

Kidnap a rdm guy
Live feed
Torture him
Cut off cock
Go outside
Make someone eat the cock


Alright, OP here is my proposal:

Take the bottles, fill them with a flamable liquid.

Go to a place remote, under a bridge or somewhere a bit out of sight.

With the liquid, write a message on the wall, then light it on fire. It shluld leave clear markings and be readable.

Ill leave the msg up to you, something like "Sup Forums was here"

Keep in contact via internet on mobile. Spend cash on drugs later and enjoy

Draw Hitler moustache on face with sharpie, make red armband, proceed to walk around in public. Make and maintain eye contact with anyone you can.

Oh boy here we go, winrar

Dubs to bad op is a fag

Get a lot of money and go on the web to find an assassin. Pay the assassin to assassinate yourself without him you're also the contractor. Bonus points if you try to kill him as well in spy vs spy style.

Live feed of you chilling.

This is why we can't have nice things

The fuck do you care if your property or yourself is damaged. I thought you wanted to die didn't you? Is that not the point of this thread?
>give me a funny death
>but don't break my shit

1.Buy green paint and a unicycle
2.Get naked.
3.Paint yourself green from head to toes.
4.Grab that unicycle and roll in the streets pointing to whoever passes near while shouting"here come dat boi oh shit waddup".

So close

I second this motion

Another set of dubs :3

>-I must maintain the contact with the thread somehow, and you must be able to check what I did, somehow

i think this can count as invalid op, pls continue


Buy a prostitute, hang out and chill, just relax with some company, drink a few beers smoke some weed with her then go to pound town. Repeat until out of money or feel better

Satanic trips don't lie...

Dubs, do eet fggt

1 Break into car with machete. 2 take shit on driver seat. 3 take picture with time stamp and post itt.



OP= Nigger