Got a circumcision yesterday, is this level of swelling normal?

Got a circumcision yesterday, is this level of swelling normal?


It looks fine, but your foreskin is missing?!


why would u mutilate yourself?


Im not sure but your benis looks numb and sad

Congratulations, there goes 90% of your sensitivity.

Yeah, looks normal. It's going to start itching the next few days, that's normal also.

Go to your doctor if the swelling gets worse, you develop a fever, or the incision starts oozing pus.

What the fuck, why would you do that

Looks healthy mate the swelling is definitely not alarming, follow your doctors instructions and make sure to keep the area clean and change underwear a few times a day and if you have ANY Concerns go back to the urologist rather than 'riding it out' because it might result in permanent damage :) best of luck

also, don't jerk off for a month, even if you really want to. scar tissue isn't worth it.

Yeah, i had phimosis and my foreskin tore real bad so i just got rid of it

Fucking jew

I really doubt this surgery was OPs choice

what the fuck, you got circumcised? thats so bad dude, do your research!

ITT: mad


i was circumcised at 21 due to phimosis and lichen sclerosus. any one of you fags would sacrifice your foreskin in a heartbeat to get rid of that shit.

ah, lol, missed that

I didn't realize Sup Forums was so againt circumcision.

Mad cause what? I could get circumcised whenever the fuck i want. My insurance covers it, and even if I didn't, I make enough money to pay for the operation. So yeah, get lost kid.

Yoy can already see he has pus oozing in the picture.

Fuck me, man, I think I would too.

totally normal to me.
1.: Dont start masturbating before the wound is healed.
2.: Buy a fucking fleshlight, you will enjoy it.
3.: Loss of sensitivity: Maybe a little. Orgasm stay the same as usual.
4.: Im a doctor.
5.: No, not a physician, but a made all this through as an adult.

to be part of Abraham's people, my friend, all hail satan

Are you saying he was forced to have the surgery? Like someone came to his house and forcibly circumcised him against his will?

I bet you're right.

we should open the club of lichen sclerosis survivors... me too.



Because of phimosis I also got balanitis xotica in my urethra, fuck this shit, getting circumcised was the best for my dick

>lichen sclerosus
you were saying

How even do you get that?


they don't know what causes it, think it might be partially genetic in nature.

only affects like 1 in 100 uncircumcised men, far more common in women

phimosis ? seriously ?
you have to remove the whole fucking skin instead of stretching it ?

None of my family members seem to have this shit, and we're all uncircumcised.
I think I'm good.
Feels good not falling for the shit genes and Abrahamic religion meme.

rarely it is simply unmanageable

I had this at a young age but I fixed it myself.
Every day when I showered, I would pull it back and everytime a little more. I also started sticking my pinky under there when it was pulled back at max for more strech.
It is all fixed now, never have any issues.

I feel this happens and becomes a big problem when boys grow old because their parents never told them they have to pull back their foreskin and wash there aswell.

>he fell for the circumcision during adulthood meme

haha holy shit

are you serious?


What the hell is lichen sclerosis? Does your dick fall off or something?

How about you stop messing with it and leave it bandaged and clean it when it needs to be cleaned???

Doc said remove the bandages the next day and apply neosporin to incision

in men it causes a tough, plaque-like skin growth on your foreskin. causes phimosis that isn't fixed by simply stretching out, because the plaquey growth grows faster than new stretchy skin. makes sex and masturbation pretty painful in some cases, including mine.

can also spread to the frenulum and glans.

Believe it or not your choice.

Is your doctor from Mexico?????

Worse, the Navy

Too bad your parents abused OP by not circumcizing him as a youth.

naw this is true. my mother is from Europe and her brothers told her about it. said the first time the had sex it like ripped their foreskin. anyway she had to like show me how to pull it back to stretch it at like 12 years old...kinda awkward. All good now though.

Just when you thought you saw it all

yeah i have this right now, fucking tiny cuts in my foreskin and hurts like hell when i try to pull back my foreskin, i can still pull it back but once it settles back in its normal state it gets this wierd skin all over it that pretty much rips itself apart when i pull it back

ohh shit nig. another unicorn. I had mine done at age 17 or late 16. I forget.

Shit is sore as fuck for like 3 months.

My foreskin was too tight and my dick would not retract and it was painful and hard to clean.

Dont try to jack off because you will rip the stiches. I tried 2 months after and i did, it got pussy and shit. It healed fine tho. Felt fucking amazing, 2 months without getting off. I saw blood and just kept going.

My dick grew over a inch after i got circumsized. im sitting at 8 inches hard right now, and 5'7 girth center mass.

good procedure, would do again.

treatment options, thank me later
1. go to a dermatologist, tell him you have LSA. he'll try to argue with you and tell you that you have BXO. humor him if you like, the only difference is the topical ointment he'll give you. if the first one doesn't work, go back and insist again you have LSA. most likely he'll prescribe clobetasol propionate, which is a topical steroid. in my case it didn't work, but everyone's different.

2. if nothing the dermatologist does helps, they'll likely refer you to a urologist for a circumcision consult.

I got one too 3 years ago when I was 20

It would be perfect if it wasn't for the scar, but yours looks much cleaner than mine, I'm sure it will be ok :')

appreciate the advice, thanks user


That is fucking disgusting. Why/how did you decide to mutilate your penis?

>help how do I read text


You should have done this years ago.
I forced my two sons to get circumcised when they where babies, because that's what God wants me too do. Besides it looks so much better since it makes the cock head dry out

Can you post your cock pic to show what it look like after 3 years.


How is jerking off with and without foreskin?

Askin the real questions

about the same.

>uncircumcised can barely rub their penis caps with soap without it being too sensitive
>circumcised within a year will be able to wear pants without any underwear and wont be able to feel a thing
>t-theres no difference in sensitivity goy!


I fucking hate the scar, I'm looking for something that might make it fade but I don't think there is

>OP has converted to fucking judaism

kek get kiked you cuck

looks like a partial circ?

no, that looks infected

I'm uncut and I want to watch my girlfriend getting railed by a hung circumcised dick. Am i alone with this fetish?

Yes, you fucking cuck.

So I dont look like some dumb African nigger. I got one last year. So glad I did it.

Really? What tells you its infected?

>Got a circumcision yesterday

Yesss goy, cut your penis!

why would you hang a dick

dunno actually, why?

Are you a three pump chump?

Cucked by a Jew... Pls kill yourself

that's real. Actually lots of young boy have phimosis, it either goes by itself while growing up and even better if doing what user says

no idea why tf u'd get circumcised but okay

enjoy that shit for at least a month


Just basement dwellers that jerkoff 20 times a day. If you actually want a girl to touch it, get cut.

Pretty much every girl I've known preferences circumcised guys

>Got a circumcision yesterday, is this level of swelling normal?
its infected, go to a non-jewish doctor

people really don't read any posts before replying

>None of my family
Got a good look at all of them in the annual family nudist meeting?


Its the kind of thing that would come up in conversation sometimes.
"Oh so-and-so, how's the infection? What have the doctors said?" that kind of thing.

And who said he was a nigger?

Jewish fucks invading again spreading their shit, nice.

Laughed so much gg

>not knowing that in africa circusmcision is as common as in the US


Circumcision really has nothing to do with being a Jew anymore

since this is dick talking day;

I have been getting a rose tint to my spunk for about two weeks.

I blamed it on bad lighting

About an hour ago after a workout it came out blood red with a red lump in it.

Should I bother a doctor with it and risk becoming gay with a prostate exam or just assume somehow blood got up there but now it has "passed" I should be okay?

Kind of anxious so any advice appreciated

Sub Saharan Africa, I mean, the really dark niggers. Anything in the desert or north is basically a sand nigger.

Always go to the doctor when you think something is wrong. A man's entire life's work means nothing if he doesn't have the health to enjoy it.