IS there really a K. Jenner leak? Or is this just another crazy publicity stunt by her bat shit crazy mom?

IS there really a K. Jenner leak? Or is this just another crazy publicity stunt by her bat shit crazy mom?


Not really lurking if ya post, bud.

If it was real it would be all over.

I've looked around the visable web and haven't come up with anyhting concrete.

bump 4 interest; i cant find it either

Yea that's what I've been thinking. Had to ask Sup Forums for the truth though.

cant even find the alleged "graphic screenshot"

nice dubs

I know right? That's basically all I was really hoping to find.

me either just a bunch of clickbait

the one where she sucks dick?

the media is saying theres an "X-rated" picture floating around and that her nigger bf "Tyga" uploaded the video to his website before taking it down

Nice dubs

That was the alleged act.

allegedly? cannot find.

Only thing that I was mad about when I heard about this. Not interested in seeing his nigger parts.


Is on the deep web. But you will get v&. I'm trying..

The momager will V& you fo sho.

why is she underaged in the video?

"The image, RadarOnline report, is now being "shopped around" to the highest bidder."

Someone will have soon?

someone desperate might offer alot of cash lol

That would make all of Sup Forums way too happy kek

if so fuck that. I don't wanna get anally raped.

Got it

any proof that is either one of them?

But don't know if it's real


definetly looks professionally filmed.

I don't have any proof on the pic

The rumor is Kylie, not Kendall, you fucking twit.

That said, I searched for about 30 minutes this morning and found nothing.

Sounds like one of those "so-and-so celebrity has a sex tape" that never comes to fruition.


kek sorrrryyy don't watch keeping up with the kards enough i guess.

we need to go deeper

also, excuse the bad quality, best i could do before this thread 404s

sorry faggots like you are the reason there are 10 stupid stories about these nobodies in the news everyday

fuck all of you go back to fucking facebook

This is supposedly the screencap

Time to dig c'mon guys
