Anime feet thread

anime feet thread

which girl is your favourite?

you know thats a really funny question because it all depends on the artist.

on that note i really love how this guy does the feet and tends to always accentuate them in his art

not technically anime i know, but good

heres a nice shad one and more anime'esque

i do love me some raven

this one is great too, sometimes jigglygirls has good feet stuff

anyone into girls feet being molested?


darn no other contributors huh? ok heres another one.



Here mate

if you could, which girls would you want to see get their feet molested?


Misa from death note

Any kind of girl

one of my favorites


not too familiar with her, got a top 3?

Nah not really


like who?

Any kind anime real whatever anything floats my boat

Got any real pic?

examples of anime girls?

yeah but make a new thread for that

Do it then

What kind of anime do you know?

most of the popular ones

Ok how about attack on titan

Make one and give us link

sure, also bleach, naruto, one piece, fairytail, etc

Ok dump you pics

you make it

Make one fag

Hey lets start it now

Dont have any so can you help out
